Watch Caravans of Cuban-Americans Protest Bernie Sanders and Rally for Donald Trump – IOTW Report

Watch Caravans of Cuban-Americans Protest Bernie Sanders and Rally for Donald Trump

Breitbart: Caravans of Cuban-Americans rallied in support of President Donald Trump on Saturday after Sen. Bernie Sanders defended Cuban dictator Fidel Castro’s policies.

Photos and videos emerged on social media in Miami featuring long lines of cars and trucks flying Cuban and American flags and honking their horns. Others wore MAGA hats and waved Trump 2020 flags to show their support of the president. read more

6 Comments on Watch Caravans of Cuban-Americans Protest Bernie Sanders and Rally for Donald Trump

  1. It’s very obvious that these illiterate Cuban-Americans haven’t read the same books the well educated Cubans who remained behind on their beleaguered island home were forced to read under Castro’s communist dictatorship. Is that a bad thing? Just ask Bernie and Baracky. Better yet, ask the voters in Florida how they really feel about communism.

  2. There are no “Cuban-Americans”! You squealing cucks!

    There can be no caravans of zero “Cuban-Americans”.
    There can be no rallies of zero “Cuban-Americans”.
    There can be no voting blocks of zero “Cuban-Americans”.

    There are many, many, many, “Cuban-United-Statesians”. Citizens and “otherwise”.

    They are not Americans. They can never become Americans. No matter how many “celebrity” cruises you squeal “Buckley said it! So it must be so!” on. No matter how hard you “MAGA!”, for Ivanka’s daddy. Get over it. (Then, maybe, you can glimpse why Americans are, so, over you.)

  3. The democraps live in a deluded, self-congratulatory ,narcissistic world, where they are so proud of what they “stand” for that they can’t see that they are alone on an island.

    And the source of all that delusion? The quest for attaining and maintaining POWER…supported in large part by the useful idiot rubes who have their own pathetic selfish need for sucking on the government teet.

    Trump is going to KICK THEIR ASS!!!


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