Weird- Republican House leader Kevin McCarthy admits he rented room from GOP pollster Frank Luntz – IOTW Report

Weird- Republican House leader Kevin McCarthy admits he rented room from GOP pollster Frank Luntz


  • House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy admitted that he rented a room for several months from pollster and corporate advisor Frank Luntz.
  • But McCarthy, during an appearance on Fox News, denied there was any conflict of interest in sharing a home with his longtime pal Luntz, a consultant for Republican causes.
  • McCarthy’s admission came a day after outraged Fox News host Tucker Carlson first reported the California Republican’s living arrangement with Luntz in downtown Washington.

13 Comments on Weird- Republican House leader Kevin McCarthy admits he rented room from GOP pollster Frank Luntz

  1. Few people have ever been so TOTALLY DESTROYED like Luntz was during that 10 minute expose by Tucker Carlson.
    – Frank Luntz – Persona non Grata


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