We’ve found it, the year’s stupidest article about the world’s stupidest people – IOTW Report

We’ve found it, the year’s stupidest article about the world’s stupidest people

I’m gonna have to fisk this one-

Frightened by shootings, appalled at Trump, Americans are voting with their feet — to leave


Google searches for terms like “how to move out of America” spiked this past weekend to levels not seen since November 2016, right after the presidential election, and last seen a decade ago during the Great Recession.

That’s right. We were not happy with Obama, but true patriots do not have hissy fits and turn their backs on their country. We fight for what we think is right. The left are whiny, sniveling, spoiled pussies.

And in dozens of interviews after the massacres in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, people who were born here spoke of their crystallizing desire to leave.

See ya.

These are not recent immigrants who feel threatened by nationalist rhetoric coming from the White House and Congress,

Legal immigrants are not threatened by nationalist rhetoric. They are Americans.

but for the most part middle-class or relatively affluent Americans disheartened by the turn in American politics since the 2016 election.

Awwwww, you no get what you want?

And it is not necessarily Canada — the default destination for agitated Americans over the decades — where they are threatening to move,

And it’s not, curiously, Mexico. Why not?

because work visa qualifications there are tight.

Wait, Canada has tight immigration laws? Bunch of effin racists is what they are!

Instead, they are casting a larger net across the globe.

For many, the exploration of the departure gates is a direct response to the current president of the United States and his party. Before 2016, Coloradans Alex and Aussa Lorens were saving up to buy a house; after that they turned their attention to qualifying for a 190 Skilled Nominated visa for Australia,

A 95% white country

which requires proving English proficiency,

Whoa whoa whoa, what???? Bunch of effin’ racist is what they are. Why are these woke progressives going to such a nationalistic and Anglo-centric country? (We allllll know why. But we’ll pretend to let the progressives think they are fooling us.)

a skills assessment

You mean you can’t get into Australia unless you have marketable skills? Does Trump, the racist, know about this?

and an “expression of intent” letter to those Australian states that are specifically looking for workers in Alex’s industry, which is hospitality.

Among what the couple sees as the many attractions of Australian society — including universal health care and affordable private insurance, mandated parental leave, four weeks of vacation for all workers and strong limits on guns — the Lorenses are drawn by the political culture, which, Aussa says, “protects them from a Trump-like outcome.”

Yes. No chance of a border invasion by non-English speaking, low-skilled workers who will clog up the hospitals and tax funded resources- the Trump-like outcome they are demanding here- as they flee to the country that won’t let it happen.

“They do not have a major political party that is at all equivalent to our far-right Republicans,” she says. “Their conservative party is more like the moderate Democrats.

Who the left here HATE!

For others, the motivation is what they describe as an increasing level of daily fear.

Pillow biters.

“The way things are going, it’s to where you can’t even take your family out in public because it’s just a matter of time,” says Josh Lewin, 34, a native of Murfreesboro, Tenn., who lives there now with his wife and four sons ages 4 to 14 and works selling commercial security systems.

The guy sees nothing but people who buy security. He hears nothing but horror stories all day.

“I need to do something to protect the family and not have to worry about this day in and day out.”

Buy a gun.

“First it was a shooting once a year, then once every six months, then once a month, and now it’s every day,” he says. “We don’t even bat an eye as a country now. I would like to move somewhere where that isn’t true and my kids don’t have to be afraid.”

Psssst. Stupid. Mass shooting peaked in the 90s and are going down.


The biggest danger to your family is how f8ckin stupid you are.

The Lewins have rejected Australia because “they have huge spiders there,”

You’re kidding.

Josh says, and he is about as scared of spiders as he is of mass shootings.

You need a psychiatrist, pal.

He has set New Zealand as his goal,

New Zealand has 1134 described spider species, with an estimated total fauna of 2000 species.

intrigued years ago by the popularity of the extreme sport of “drift triking” — riding nonmotorized Big Wheels-like contraptions down huge hills.

This idiot is more likely to die on his Big Wheel than from a mass shooting or a spider. This article can’t be real.

More recently he has been attracted by the fact that “after one mass shooting there they took steps to make it not so easy for people to get ahold of weapons of war.”

“Weapons of war.” This guy is a mental defective.

“I am acutely aware of how not everyone can do this,” says 40-year-old Janelle Hanchett, a writer, who sold everything she owned in Northern California in July and moved with her husband, Charles MacDonald, a union ironworker, and their four school-age children to the Netherlands.

Another totally white country. Do you detect a pattern?

Tired of what Hanchett describes as “the specter of this rising authoritarian regime, and of feeling unsafe all the time,” they applied for a “freelance visa” that the government of the Netherlands created to thank America for liberation during World War II, and that allows Americans to live and work as freelancers. (If they become employed by a Dutch company full time, their status switches to a sponsored visa.)

They have RULES??? What the? Why aren’t they simply sneaking in? It would be racist of the country to stop them!

“It feels saner, more humane,” she says of her new home in the city of Haarlem, the capital of the province of North Holland. “The people seem happier. And there aren’t guns.”

Wait ’til you get a load of the acid and scimitars.

Same for Karen Allendoerfer, whose husband, a German citizen, has lived for more than 20 years in the U.S., where they have raised two children. “That would be ironic,” she said of her vague plan of eventually teaching English in her husband’s native land. (She currently teaches biology at a STEM-focused private school in Silicon Valley.) “Moving to Germany to get away from Nazis.”

Nazis in America!!!! It’s a crisis!


28 Comments on We’ve found it, the year’s stupidest article about the world’s stupidest people

  1. Crime in America could be reduced by one third just by building the wall. A third of the prison population are illegals. But don’t let common sense get in your way of leaving.

  2. And in Other News, is Anthony Scaramucci the next Bernie Madoff whose Billion Dolla Deals on handshakes are NOT cracking and crumbling and in need of serious deflection to stop the hemorrhaging in front of his investers vested interested eyes.

    Those NYC top percenters living the good life off his backroom double cross deals. . . uh oh. His true cards are showing and it ain’t looking good for team Scaramucci. Game on Wall Street. Bill Maher is rootin’ for ya.

    Scaramucci the Mooch is a rat sneak creeping in a rocking chair factory.

    Five Guys July 22, 2019 at 11:11 pm
    Trade 1 Anthony Scaramucci

    Big Shots August 1, 2019 at 6:14 am
    Big Pharma Execs and Wall Street Money Grubbers like Anthony ‘The Mooch’ Scaramucci et al. . . get dosed you scum.

  3. Now that’s some good Fisking, right there. The kind that makes me laugh and feel smarter after I’ve read the piece, not the other way around like the original did.

  4. We could be more generous with the number of immigrants we allow in LEGALLY if we could make a deal that necessitates the offloading of some current citizens: the stupid and the shiftless.

    Welfare, ‘disability’ costs, medical care of the obese and drug-addled…. it would yield so many savings!

  5. Socialists self deporting is music to my ears.
    And if you have universal health care why do you also need affordable private insurance?! But why worry about details like that.

  6. I see a Golden business opportunity while at the same time giving back to my country.

    I’m not big on long road trips, but I’ll make an exception and drive cross country to escort these loons to any port or airport of their choosing for their final bon voyage outta here….for a fee of course.

    The dolts looking at Australia obviously don’t keep up with the news, the racist Aussies just elected Trump 2.0 as their P.M. He’s a white Christian-double whammy.

  7. I just wish that those who said that they were leaving in 2016 if Donald J Trump were elected President, WOULD LEAVE!!!
    Yeah, I’m looking at YOU, HollyWeird Libtard feces flinging howler monkeys.

  8. This article can’t be real.

    It makes more sense to read it and know moving to another country isn’t for a better individual life, but rather to spread mental illness and fuck up the entire world, one country at a time.

  9. Anyone who wants to leave the USA because Trump is president will be doing the country a favor, and I couldn’t care less if it works out well for them or not. In fact, I rather hope they land in a deep pile of shit and have to eat their way out.

  10. Progressives are lunatics. Everything upsets their narcissistic sensibilities. Also, hypocrisy is lost on them. The real reason for leaving is they actually hate those precious “brown migrants” and don’t want them in their communities, which will eventually happen as the illegal invasion continues. Threatening to leave the United States because of mass shootings is just their latest excuse for attention and control.

  11. We should start a fund for them. It’d be great to see them leave.

    Crime will come to a virtual halt if responsible Americans were permitted to carry firearms.

    The feral sons of obama would be rendered impotent, as would the monsters pouring across the border within the packs of ordinary people.

  12. Fisking progressives should be mandatory. Can’t think of a more deserving group of traitorous, arrogant imbeciles.
    Loved the bit about spiders. LOLOL! Good thing some spiders can defend themselves against progressives.

  13. Haven’t they already been doing this for years? Fleeing the craphole cities they created in blue states, moving to red states where they proceed to destroy them too. I’d be happy if they instead moved to another country. The other countries would be wise not to allow them in.

  14. These are the types of jerks who’s votes create many of the problems we are presently having. It’s like taking a dump in the middle of the restaurant dining room and then deciding to eat somewhere else.

  15. So a whole bunch of people are about to find out…

    Anyplace they want to move to. Won’t let them in unless they’re rich or have unique skills, which means they’re rich.

    Anyplace that WILL let you in. is a shithole you don’t want to move to.

    It’s only america that isn’t a shithole and lets anyone in…
    Because we’re idiots i guess.

  16. By the way, Australia and New Zealand have some pretty fucking scary and dangerous fauna…. including arachnids. Fuck these squirrels! They go with my blessing. But don’t think for a minute that they migrate to red states in an attempt to escape the shit they have spent their lives voting FOR. They go to red states in order to spread the communism. We need lots of rope!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  17. I lived in Oz. You move there spouting anti Trump bullshit…….you’re probably gonna’ get your ass kicked at some point.

    Aussies like to drink. And fight.

    The drinking goes along ALL social classes. The fighting is more working class, but forcefully expressing your opinion is universal.

    Basically I’m saying these people will be called BLODDY STOOPID in public. Like… a lot. The plus side is that newcomers wont recognize the derive slang aimed at them and will just assume it was something pleasant because of the smile and the accent.

    I give em’ a few years before they realize there are more ‘rednecks’ in OZ than in the US.


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