Who Wants To Tell Her? – IOTW Report

Who Wants To Tell Her?

36 Comments on Who Wants To Tell Her?

  1. The obvious answer, of course, is because they wouldn’t donate then.
    I’m sure her Vassar degree gave her that level of thought process, right?

  2. Lesbian? Okay. Does this twit recognize the full bill of fare that comes with that, no? Dear Dyke, no man means no babies. Should you find yourself pregnant, its a miracle, praise the Lord. Pray for manna from heaven. Because the #1 drawback to uarried pregnancy is??? Poverty.

  3. @willysgoatgruff:

    Sue the turkey baster…

    Heck, Willy, Moms Demand Your Guns already laid out the attack scope. Sue the baster, sue the store that sold it, sue the wholesaler who supplied the store, sue the freight company who supplied the wholesaler, but most importantly, sue the baster manufacturer. 🙄

  4. Wait a minute here, you said “he”. Why would you assume that the sperm doner is a “he”? And why, even if it is a “he”, would you assume that it identifies as a “he”?

  5. Listen, girlie, it’s so simple even you might understand it. When you squirted his semen up inside your deviant self, did you want the man who supplied it to have any legal claim on your resulting offspring? No¹. If he now demands shared custody or even visitation rights, what would your answer be? No². Finally, are you a responsible adult who always acts responsibly after she’s made a commitment? No³.

    1. Your answer has to be No. If you claim it is Yes, you are lying.
    2. Your answer has to be No. If you claim it is Yes, you are lying.
    3. Your answer has to be No. If you claim it is Yes, you are lying.

  6. There is probably paperwork whereby both parties give up legal rights. The donee likely gives up her right to seek support, and the donor gives up his right to seek custody and visitation. For the donor, donating sperm is usually nothing more than a pure commercial transaction. For the donee, frequently part of a same sex couple, there is usually no expectation of support from the donor, and definitely no expectation that custody or visitation rights will ever come up.

  7. And the horse that she rode in on. How in the hell did that work anyway, did the donor go in the bathroom with a stack of Playboy magazines and shut the door then come out and throw it at her from across the room? It would be like trying to produce and maintain an erection around Hillary or Big Mike than in the same room with that creature.

  8. These people are fu*king nuts. Been saying it for years and it just keeps getting worse. That poor child. This is why I am against the alphabet people adopting, much less having a surrogate donate either sperm or a baby for those males.

  9. Men should have no rights to or responsibilities for children born to women to whom they are not married.

    That is how you incentivize marriage and morality and more fathers in the home.

    We have it exactly backwards.

  10. The only legitimate clients of sperm banks are married couples (real man-and-woman couples, of course) who have been married a minimum of three years and where the husband has been medically found to be sterile.

  11. Ya know my concern is what kind of little person this stupid bitch will raise. If you need a back ground check to by a gun any woman who requires a sperm donor should also be required to at least the same back ground check. And this bitch is fucking nuts.

  12. Before long, there will be a bill before Congress to consider the plight of these poor lesbian mommas. They’ll get one of them to testify in an electrifying speech: GIVE US SPERM DONER CHILD SUPPORT OR GIVE US DEATH! RINOs will bow down abjectly in support.

    I don’t get why non-attractive females turn lesbian. Remember, girls and boys, for every homely woman, there’s a homely and horny man out there somewhere that’s in desperate need to get laid. If ya gotta have a kid, look for one of them.

    If that were true, then the Lez would have never been basted.

  14. Who wants to tell her…

    That the text overlaid on the video makes it appear that she has a mustache and a goatee, or that Biden has not yet proposed legislation for semen-load forgiveness?

  15. I know a dead beat loser that lives in the Gay Area that was selling his manchowder to a spooge bank in Bezerkley for some bucu bucks. He and his buddy went to Thailand and he got red flagged and they shut him down. The recipients of his effluent needn’t bother suing him – he squeezes the nickel until the buffalo craps😁

  16. Homosexuals shouldn’t be allowed to purchase children or the sperm to make a child.
    They need to repent, get delivered and marry God’s way then have children.


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