Why Pope Francis’s Call to Ban Weapons Would Destroy the West – IOTW Report

Why Pope Francis’s Call to Ban Weapons Would Destroy the West

American Thinker: What would happen if the world took Pope Francis’s advice (via a tweet)?

“Do we really want peace?  Then let’s ban all weapons so we don’t have to live in fear of war,” said the pontiff.

While on the surface, the disappearance of all weapons might suggest the inability to do violence, in reality, it would mean the certain annihilation of the West as a civilization.

For starters, the pope seems to forget that violence and the things that motivate it – hate, envy, rapacity, and plain old evil – do not need weapons.  Had he turned to the book he claims to represent, the Bible, he would have seen that the first act of violence, of murder – that of Cain against his brother, Abel – did not require weapons, just a violent and envious will.  The brothers “were in the field [when] Cain rose against Abel his brother and killed him.”  Genesis 4 does not shed light on how this first fratricide occurred, but it was most assuredly done without a formal weapon – maybe a large rock, a branch, or simply Cain’s bare hands.  more

29 Comments on Why Pope Francis’s Call to Ban Weapons Would Destroy the West

  1. what about his Swiss guards-will they give up their weapons that protect him???? never trust a man that wears a dress/rob and a fancy crown. anti-Christ since the day Rome fell…

  2. This Bergoglio is a totally invested in Utopian statism. He is an apostate and textbook example of antiPope. He isn’t even Catholic, if he ever was his alliances have excommunicated him from The Church, he is an infiltrator

  3. We don’t even get to the point of “what would happen if…”

    It is a logical impossibility:
    It is impossible to ban weapons without weapons.

    Jorge Mario Bergoglio estaba maldito vivo, y todavía lo es.

  4. He is not much of a reader apparently.

    I wasn’t forced to read the bible as a child but I was forced to read Lord of the Flies. Turns out the same basic idea as the genesis creation narrative.

  5. Banning all weapons when you have a Swiss Guard squad for protection is about as well thought-thru as these silly eviro-weennies complaining that we use too much energy when all they have to do is turn off the gas and electricity in their parents house! I’ve seen smarter soap dishes!! Priests should not only be allowed to marry, but required to do so just so they have someone to dope-slap them when they say something this stupid!!

  6. @The Rat Fink:

    Priests should not only be allowed to marry, but required to do so just so they have someone to dope-slap them when they say something this stupid!

    This is the winner of Uncle Al’s Best Comment of the Day Award (the coveted Aloysius) and the day’s barely half over.

  7. Such fukkin hypocrisy is breath-taking.
    He’s only babbling about taking YOUR weapons.
    He is NOT unaware that humans killed with stones prior to their use of edged weapons prior to their use of ballistic weapons prior to their use of chemically-propelled ballistic weapons prior to their use of nuclear and laser weapons, is he? Of course not. Contrary to all indications, he is NOT a moron – he is a screaming fucking hypocrite – quite a different animal.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. When I first heard this quote, my first thought was that the Pope is either a drooling retard or a marxist plant. I’m pretty certain it’s the latter option. This isn’t even decent reasoning based on Christian premises. Evil comes from the mind; not the weapons. If not, then why does one 90 lbs dog with big jaws and teeth never hurt anyone while another may rip someone’s throat out?

  9. Great idea. After we do that, we should ban all alcoholic beverages so that we no longer have to deal with the evils of drunkenness and alcoholism.

    Oh, wait —

  10. Since a “ban” is a legal action, it mandates the government. Let, nay “make,” the government “let it begin with me.” Sorry I’m not sorry for all you who volunteered to be on “the list.” Then it “moves on to thee.”

    Smell that? On the following dawn? Smells like freedom!

    (Oh, yeah. It’ll be a bloodbath. But it won’t be that bad. There won’t be any rocks thrown or spears chucked. All the lamppost chaff will rule those out. That alone will make it glorious!)

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