Wife of David Gregory representing Hillary Clinton’s ex-aides in FBI’s investigation – IOTW Report

Wife of David Gregory representing Hillary Clinton’s ex-aides in FBI’s investigation

hillary dummy

DailyCaller: The wife of CNN political analyst David Gregory is the attorney representing Hillary Clinton’s ex-aides in the FBI’s investigation into her private server usage, raising concerns of a possible conflict of interest.

It was reported by Politico on Friday that Gregory’s wife, Beth Wilkinson, is representing four of Hillary Clinton’s former state department staffers in the FBI’s investigation of Clinton’s use of private email. Wilkinson is a former federal attorney who prosecuted Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh.  MORE

5 Comments on Wife of David Gregory representing Hillary Clinton’s ex-aides in FBI’s investigation

  1. The crony class has everything under control…….no worries except for one or two sacrificial lambs who are scheduled to have tire tracks etched into their backs in the next few months.

  2. and so the incest goes with the media and dc bureaucrats and politicians

    anybody still watch tv for their news anymore? must be the same ones who have dial phone on the kitchen wall, yes?

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