WikiDump: Reporter Describes relationship between Clinton camp and media – IOTW Report

WikiDump: Reporter Describes relationship between Clinton camp and media

Media reporter Joe Concha on what the WikiLeaks dump reveals.


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8 Comments on WikiDump: Reporter Describes relationship between Clinton camp and media

  1. Here’s how I feel about these TV news channels whose entire management and news staff are corruptly conspiring with the Clinton Crime Family to sabotage Don Trump’s campaign…..since TV networks are granted licenses by the FCC to broadcast over OUR airwaves, the American people’s airwaves, their licenses should be revoked.

    They are not news organizations any longer. They are clearly working hard to interfere and alter the vote in a presidential election. I don’t know how many felonies that makes but let me take a stab at it: fraud, conspiracy, treason….come on gang, pile on here. Be my guest.

    The same goes for any other “news organization” that depends on licensure from a Gummint agency. I might be a deplorable standard redneck according to the Clinton Crime Family but the entire Mainstream Media are DESPICABLE.

  2. p.s.
    And, any A§$H*LE on the Right who whines that “revenge” is bad
    the Left, when having a loss *thrust*upon them,
    incessantly whine about “equality, fair share, bipartisanship”
    etcetera etcetera.

    And THEY LOSE.

    NO mercy.

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