Year End Review Of Woke Commercials – IOTW Report

Year End Review Of Woke Commercials

Because what better way to give certain people a positive image of your product without having to actually provide something unique than to push leftist narrative through your commercials? So what if viewers are left scratching their heads at what’s presented so long as company executives brag to each other about how hard they’ve working “educating” the public.

These ads end up being so confusing that the company behind the message is lost until shyly admitting their sponsorship at the end. Watch

38 Comments on Year End Review Of Woke Commercials

  1. Yeah, like lesbians and Oreos really go together. Nabisco can go to Hell as far as I am concerned anymore. I don’t eat Oreos anyway and now i have one more reason not to eat them. I am reading The Space Merchants by Frederick Pohl which I got for Christmas from my daughter, hokey smokes is it prophetic about the power of using advertising in conjunction with the govt. to lie to people about their products. I also got a copy of The True Believer by Eric Hoffer, I’m in reading heaven right now and I love it.

  2. I tried – heck knows – I tried.
    Dumbest fucking commercials ever!
    Insultingly dumb!

    Made it a little over a third.
    Must be made for the New York market – no sane people would watch that shit.
    Sort of like the ramblings and mutterings of drunken, brain-dead hobos.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I saw that Ritz commercial earlier today. What the heck does a couple of gay guys and a transgender watching them hug each other have to do with a damn cracker?

    Why must every commercial, every show, every movie have queers in it? It’s why I can’t watch anything new and because I mainly watch old shows on tv, I don’t have to see most commercials, but every now and then one of the queer ones like the Ritz commercial is shown on those channels.

  4. Knowles is a bit slow on the uptake, I saw immediately where they were going with the boy/girl 2 costumes Halloween commercial, so dumb.

    I didn’t really need it, but yet more confirmation that I do not want to co-exist with these people.

    Dad knows it’s wrong, but Mom has been indoctrinated and he doesn’t have the courage to provide the necessary lesson in reality to the family. Failure as parents all around thanks to woke culture. – Dr. Tar

  5. It is instructive to the degree that it provides a list of companies that will not get my business.

    I’ve made it a point to know and avoid P&G from this point forward.- Dr. Tar

  6. Brain dead hobos who drank Sterno are more coherent and smarter than the idiotic commercials. And brain dead hobos probably don’t watch TV either and that’s a good thing. I am so fed up with TV that I’m quitting watching the damn idiot box starting on New Years Day. I’ll stick with reading and listening to Old Time radio programs on XM and listening the music I choose on Pandora. I need a very long break from the unreality of TV and all of its mindless shows and dumb, stupid, obnoxious, idiotic commercials.

  7. One I’ve seen recently a few times is with a Black girl gymnast then a “FAGGOT” gymnast comes bouncing out wearing the same outfit as the girl. Don’t remember what the hell they were even trying to sell.

    Uber Eats, just so we all know what company to avoid. – Dr. Tar

  8. Thanks for helping me realize it wasn’t just me being a privileged old white guy finding Left-Tard crap creeping into everything including commercials. Nothing make me want to buy a product like watching a couple of gay guys push it.
    I was beginning to think there was something wrong with our marriage as Mrs Galt is the same race as I am and we aren’t homosexuals.
    I also notice that half the population of the U S must be black as they populate 50% of the commercials. I thought the Left wanted true equality for all so each race should be represented according to the population make up.

    Yes, I know I’m being ridiculous but so are they.

  9. Please forgive me if I totally ignore sexual and racial Tantrumists’ antics in their desperate and pathetic attempts for attention and acceptance.
    Nope. I don’t care. Permission granted to do something about your miserable and empty lives.

    Now. Leave us alone you freaks and crybabies. Fuck off.

  10. I remember when commercials were made to sell an actual product ,” This is what we are offering, and this is why it is the best value for your money”. Not anymore, now it’s all about ideology ,” Buy our stuff because we believe in the same things you do. Our stuff might be crap but you can promote/further an agenda with your purchase. Show your neighbors you care”.

  11. I’ve noticed in the last year, while walking my dogs in the mornings, signs in front yards of my extremely Blue neighborhood. I pass about 15-20 of them each morning, signs massed produced that provide a list of “woke” talking points; Women’s rights are equal rights, black lives matter, no one is illegal, all deserve a living wage, housing and healthcare, and science is undeniable. They used to put me in a bad mood, now I just say to myself ,”Idiots”.

    Mindless converts virtue signalling for their neighbors.

  12. Rich Taylor – “…They used to put me in a bad mood, now I just say to myself ,”Idiots”…”

    You forgot the adjective, “Useful” preceding the noun “Idiots”.

    While I understand your coping mechanism, sadly, useful idiots are a vital part of a communist takeover. They create the mass, the inertia and the momentum. I’d like to take a baseball bat up side the head of all of them, just to knock some common sense into them, mind you.

  13. I’ve got a MyPillow now and I just tried Goya rice mix that was quite good. Could we get a list of companies somewhere? I had to look at the last one three times before I got it. SICKOS! Proctor and Gamble, Mondolez (often made in Mexico) aka Nabisco, Pantene (I need a new fav shampoo) Yeah we don’t let unmarried stay together in our house and thank God no one had to think they are g ay even though it’s thrown in our faces all the time

  14. I don’t even know where to begin rants about the decadent slid of our nation into the abyss of absolute depravity! We have made Sodom and Gomorrah look like child’s play compared to the debauchery presented in our nightly television fare and commercial spots. I have been boycotting Kellogg products, Miller beer because of their endorsement of the lgbtqrswxyz agenda, and no longer what to buy Land-O-Lakes butter because of their woke decision to remove the Indian maiden from their logo to be woke to the “native Americans” I’m tired of being inundated with guy bakers and chefs on cooking shows, and watching lesbians strutting with bottles of wine into lezbo sores. I am also sick of tattoos and piercing on every visible part of bodies. So I conclusion I’m sick of how far our society has fallen into the sewer or perhaps the deepest pit of Hell! End Rant, I’m out!!!

  15. Axe yerself this:
    How many of these mental malcontents who belong on the Island of Misfit Toys would you be seeing on the TV in Communist China? A fair question since they’re the ones that own our Media who shove this propaganda down our throats and up our asses!!

  16. Larry, you just got cancelled for being politically incorrect, it’s “Native American” or “Indigenous peoples”. Any self respecting lib who breaks the code of conduct in this manner can only do one thing, end your life immediately, otherwise you are just a phony like all the rest.

    OK, I know how you guys can’t differentiate between figuratively and literately, I don’t really want you to take your life, a simple donation to the charity of my choosing will suffice.

  17. The mask muzzles 😷 in ads are driving me crazy, and I’m with a few previous commentors about the yard signs, I recently sold my parent’s house they would have been angered and saddened at how many nutcases have moved here and put up their stupid signs probably from Cali.

    The new neighborhood I am moving to I didn’t see any signs but time will tell.

  18. Does anyone remember when commercials for Preparation H for hemorrhoids were considered to be controversial and in poor taste back in the late 60’s and the TV networks banned them from being aired during News and Prime Time programming? My how advertising has changed and none for the better. And don’t even let me get started on subliminal advertising which is far more manipulative and worse.

  19. Yeah I’m looking at two homemade BLM signs across the street and the owner is a young would be hipster with big plugs in his ears. So stupid he can’t even drive as he has a big outstanding fine. I think his elders finance the rent along with his stupid live in GF from overseas who loves it here in the USA. Higher standard of living and all. Everyone else is MAGA and everyone took their signs down already.

  20. These inscrutable commercials with the tiny logo at the end are the natural progression of the hipster prog war against billboards and giant roadside signage for businesses. I hate going to towns like that, where I have to put on my glasses to find McDonalds.

    And I peeled off the parade of woke nonsense after four commercials, but I was hoping that at least one Covid Piano commercial from the early days of the Plandemic made it into the 2020 retrospective. Femember those? There were dozens of them, often featuring nurse shoes and gurney wheels. And the tinkling piano, no matter what product was being sold. Although maybe the Ad industry wants to forget that propaganda pulp advertising now.


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