Boehner is a Nasty Drunk – Calls Cruz a Jackass At a Fundraiser – IOTW Report

Boehner is a Nasty Drunk – Calls Cruz a Jackass At a Fundraiser

Daily Caller

ht/ kpark

25 Comments on Boehner is a Nasty Drunk – Calls Cruz a Jackass At a Fundraiser

  1. While Boehner points to Cruz and says “jackass” he has his own 3 fingers pointing back at himself. Jackass Boehner and all those who voted him back into the Speaker position. Shameless liars.

  2. Boner is processing the nervous feeling that his days are numbered and hes not doing too well. The Drunk-A-Thon days are numbered, the lobbyist supplied prostitutes will be no more, fattening up the portfolios through the insider trading… done.

    It is to be expected. You will see much more cannon fire coming from him, the Homopedos, Mconnell, Preebus and many others as the gray train is derailed and the child sex abuse is brought to a sudden halt. Let them go back home and face the music like Denny Hastert if they want to continue without the protection of Washington D.C.

  3. He is lucky it was not me who he referred to in that manner. I would take the floor and not stop until I had recited the entire litany of what this pathetic miserable failure has accomplished and spelled out the damage each of these accomplishments has done to our Constitution since becoming Speaker.

  4. I just finished the first chapter of Cruz’s book and I very pissed off at the deceptacon career pols. I was fooled.

    No more! If this POS speaker has an opponent in 2016, he’ll be getting a check from me.

  5. Just glad I have never registered with any political party, nor have I ever worked for any of them or given a dime.
    Saves trees at election time.
    This type of infighting is supposed to be for children, not the leaders of the free world.
    My biggest shame is, voted for Bill Clinton, once.

  6. This is why the GOP seems to always have problems in elections (except for Reagan) recently. If you look at the Dems they rarely attack each other publicly even though the hatred between some is obvious. When Obama sliced up Clinton with the exception of a few statements from Bill both Obama and Hillary were polite and seemingly respectful and it fooled most of the people, most of the time.

  7. Yeah, I get the connection with the alcohol and tears with him. I had it.
    “Every storm runs out of rain” was therapeutic. I think he knows what he believes but has yet to convey it.
    Plus, the guy is serving mammon, the attractive here and now rewards. How sharp will the knife be?

  8. Boehner represents his true party affiliation everytime he opens his donkey faced mouth and brays for all to hear, ‘HEE, HAW, HEE, HAW. But it is a shame to disparage donkeys by comparing Boehner to one, at least they aren’t lying, cheating snake-in-the-grass drunks.

  9. Crybaby Boner is speaking from fear, fear that his carefully constructed fragile RINO house of cards is being bulldozed by a TRUE conservative (or as close as we’re going to get this election cycle).

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