CA Taxpayers initiate recall, Democrats pull a fast one – IOTW Report

CA Taxpayers initiate recall, Democrats pull a fast one

CPR: Last week, the ostensibly nonpartisan California Fair Political Practices Commission agreed to remove a long-standing campaign contribution limit so that Democrats could better fight an upcoming recall election against one of their own. And you thought things were bad in Venezuela.

Earlier this year, frustrated taxpayers in Senate District 29 initiated a recall of state Sen. Josh Newman because of his vote to impose over $5 billion annually in new taxes on cars and gasoline. Within months, over 100,000 signatures were submitted in support of ousting Newman.

State Sen. Josh Newman, D-Fullerton, (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)


In a move to bolster Newman’s chances of surviving the impending recall, the Senate Democrats last month requested that the FPPC allow elected officials to contribute more than $4,400 — the legal limit — to Sen. Newman’s recall committee. Since 2003, the FPPC has maintained that the contribution limits that apply to candidate committees during regularly scheduled elections also apply to recall elections. In fact, back in 2008, that rule was applied against a Republican legislator, Jeff Denham, when he was fighting his own recall challenge. The justification for the limit is to prevent legislative leaders from using their power and influence over special-interest contributors to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars, which could then be immediately transferred to the targeted legislator.

In response to the Democrats’ request, the FPPC’s own legal counsel reviewed the limit and concluded that the current interpretation is both “well-reasoned and legally sound.” However, in a 3-1 vote, the commission ignored its attorneys’ objection and gave preliminary approval to lift the contribution limit for recall candidates.

To be clear, many question both the efficacy and the constitutionality of political contribution limits. After reasoned debate, it may well be that the California Legislature would vote to lift the cap for future elections. But it is the method and timing of the revised interpretation that stinks.  more here

8 Comments on CA Taxpayers initiate recall, Democrats pull a fast one

  1. The socialists know for what they fight – domination – total and complete.

    They don’t compromise, they don’t rest, they don’t concede, because they know that this is NOT a game. They fight to destroy all that is good, honest, holy, beautiful, and wholesome, not only in CA, or America, but in the whole World.
    They are a rampaging, virulent disease who recognize no rules.
    And we are fools to play along.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The corruption in California has reached levels that is astounding. Wasn’t it about two years ago one elected official was arrested for trying to sell rpg’s on the black market? And still it goes on.

  3. If you think Americans were enraged by Obama and Hillary, add the insult of living in California with this leftist Governor and legislature. We are more than mad and we won’t stop until we end this mess and get back to Conservative. We did it before and we can do it again.

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