HuffPo Author: “We must repeal the Second Amendment now!” – IOTW Report

HuffPo Author: “We must repeal the Second Amendment now!”

Calling the right to bear arms obsolete, Huffington Post writer Warren Blumenfeld is now demanding that the United States “repeal the Second Amendment now!”

In his article “On Gun Violence: Uttering the Unutterable,” Blumenfeld writes that he has to deliver hard truths.


“I love life, and I love the people of my country far far far more than I value the “freedom” to bear arms,” he begins his article. “We must repeal the Second Amendment now!”

The Amendment is antiquated, according to Blumenfeld, who compares the amendment to the horse and buggy: “Possibly during former moments in our history, we may have had reason to enact and enforce the Second Amendment of our great Constitution, but those bygone days have long since passed. Now we must put the Second Amendment out to pasture.”

The Founding Fathers, even if they intended for people to have legal access to guns, made many mistakes that show their judgement was questionable at best, he adds.

“These are the same men who owned and marketed enslaved Africans,” Blumenfeld argues, “committed genocide against and expelled native peoples, withheld enfranchisement from women, engaged in and killed one another in duels, and so on.”

And letting people own guns in the US hurts “everyone everywhere” except our enemies: “In the end, the realities of gun violence in the U.S. hurts everyone everywhere, with the possible exception of our enemies who desire to witness us defeated from within.”

“When is enough, enough?!” Blumenfeld concludes.

61 Comments on HuffPo Author: “We must repeal the Second Amendment now!”

  1. This faggot wasn’t beat up enough in school. Move to France bitch. Or talk to some of the people that were inside that room during the last attack. A couple of them have said they wished somebody had had a weapon in there. Why do these people insist on taking guns away from the good guys. And think you will get rid of all guns is just stupid.

  2. The Liberal Dicksuck Party mewls like a syphilitic tomcat being shoved up Richard Gere’s ass at the mention of private firearms being protected by their nemesis, The Bill Of Rights.

  3. I have good news for Warren Blumenfeld! The Constitution has a provision (two, actually) he can use to repeal the Second Amendment. All he has to do is persuade 2/3 of the House and Senate to go along, and 3/4 of the States’ Legislatures, and “Poof!” it’s gone in a puff of smokeless powder.

  4. Blumenfeld – another self-loathing Jew who forgot what happened to 6 million Jews just 75 years ago? How is it people who are supposedly educated and intelligent can’t see the parallels between past atrocities against unarmed people and the current atrocities being waged on unarmed people?

    It must be a total lack of common sense.

  5. Sondercommandos were prisoners forced to be traitors by the Nazi camp guards.
    This creature wants to voluntarily disarm his people in the face of dire threat.
    Who is the better person?

  6. As long as we are taking out archaic parts of the Constitution, can we also abolish the Senate? And the income tax? and the 14th amendment? And the Commerce clause? And the raise the voting age to equal the age you can buy a gun = age of full citizenship? and the civil rights acts of 1964 and 65? And stop calling private property a “public accommodation”? And stop regulating CO2? And stop regulating how many gallons of water my toilet can use? And Fire that whole office that keeps issuing the food pyramid or food plate or whatever it is now?

    If we are getting rid of things we no longer need, I have a very long list of things that aught to come ahead of the 2nd amendment.

  7. The pencil-neck dweeb is worried about “gun violence”? He should be worried about violence in general. A five-year-old girl could kick his scrawny ass. He should arm himself. Leftist boot lickers like him are always saying “if you’re against abortion, don’t have one”, so I’ll use their “logic”: if you’re against owning guns, don’t buy one.

    Throughout history, servile worms like him have enabled tyrants. These liberty-hating toadies don’t understand that my right to own guns is unalienable, or (to drive the leftist pricks completely insane) God given. He has no idea what he would face if men (the government) tried to take away a right we were born with.

  8. “When is enough, enough?!” Blumenfeld concludes.

    When you give up your computer, internet and even your typewriter, for an inkwell and quill pen.

    I hereby bequeath and give unto you a new name; Fa’qeem!

  9. Mr. Aurelius is a liberal racist following in the footsteps of his KKK predecessors who were nothing more than the strong arm of the Democrat party of the south. To deny citizens of this country their right to own firearms is to deny the black community their ability to defend themselves from what they believe to be white oppression.

    Mr. Aurelius needs to be not only shunned for his racism but called out and ostracized by his fellow journalists.

    America does not condone his racist rhetoric and neither should this publication that posts his comments.

  10. Yes, as if it’s just software and if you get the code right everything will run smoothly.

    They always leave out the human factor.

    They think some words written somewhere will make people do what they want, even if it’s not in the best interest of the people.

    They really don’t understand human nature.

    If they did, they’d start being more conservative because they’d be tuned into reality a lot more and make more sensible perceptions and decisions.


    Admit it. You’re barely paying attention.

    You drove by vomited here without understanding what you’re reading.

    Aurelius wrote this article about a guy who wants to repeal the 2nd.

    So, exactly, please explain what racism has Aurelius committed?

  12. Actually the brilliant founders knew that we would need the 2nd as much now as ever. They foresaw jerkwads like this sissy little crud eater crawling out of the cesspools and wimping their way into total subjugation and trying to take us along with them!!

  13. While we’re at it, how about the fucking “Cadillac” tax for healthcare? I just found out the rates for my 2016 and what do you know, I exceed the $10,200 above which single policyholders have to pay the tax.

  14. Those pieces of shit were, are descendants of hard working immigrants that were persecuted becasue they were Jews. These tards have nothing to fear from the ancient enemy of anti-Semetism so they feel safe in a cozy warm leftist way that enables them to express their hatred for Liberty.

    As a Jew, you have my blessing in putting them all to death or feeding them to your favorite alligator if you don’t think they will make the ill afterward. To be totally honest, I hate them more than you.

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