Junk Science – IOTW Report

Junk Science

Mom Sues To Prevent Teen Son From Amputating His Genitals

Federalist – The child’s mother is challenging a Minnesota law that allows a minor who is living alone to make his own health-care decisions.
The mother of a 17-year-old boy in Minnesota is suing her child’s school district and the county health board. It seems that the teen, who suffers from gender dysphoria, has been receiving (without his parents’ consent or even knowledge) hormonal treatments to change his secondary sex characteristics to those of a woman. The suit even refers to “life-changing surgery,” which for a boy would mean amputating his genitals and cosmetic reconstruction.

The child’s mother is challenging a Minnesota law that allows a minor who is living alone to make his own health-care decisions. She calls it a violation of her rights as a parent that major and permanent hormonal and surgical interventions should be performed on her minor child without her consent or even informing her. She believes these treatments may not be in her son’s best interests, and she ought to have a say in the momentous decision.

Transgender activists commenting on the case have a completely different view of the matter. They believe the treatment for gender dysphoria, the clinical term for feeling uncomfortable with one’s biological sex, is always “gender affirming,” followed by “transition” to the desired sex. The depression, suicidal ideation, and tendency to self-harm that gender-dysphoric youths experience will improve when the youth is treated by others as the sex the youth prefers. Any brooking of the child’s desire is a kind of violence, even using the “wrong” or undesired pronoun.

Is Immediate ‘Transition’ the Right Treatment?

22 Comments on Junk Science

  1. Geez, separating from my partner in crime is the furthest thought from my mind. Our culture does this to these children. The suicide rate for these people is at all time highs. Isn’t that a big enough clue bat? And as the article points out, these hormone treatments and all of the accompanying crap just doesn’t work anyway. You can’t take your cock and stick it in a jar for later in case you change your mind.

    If I’m that mother, would sue that school district for every last fucking nickel they had. And if I’m his father… But I didn’t see a mention of a father which to me, is the underlying problem to a lot of our ills.

  2. So Mom’s financially responsible for her minor child, who the Obama administration considers a child until he’s 26 (he can stay on Momma’s insurance until then), but she can’t have any say in his medical decisions? Whacked.

  3. child in school can get services of PP without parental knowledge some states, but she will need to get the money from friends or the sperm donor, woops did not intend to get into the statutory rape side of things this early in the AM. Maybe PP can whack pee pees also?

  4. When I was 17, I was still trying to find myself, as was called then.
    A 17 yo is not mentally developed enough to make such a life altering decision.
    BTW, I’m decades older and still don’t know who I am.

  5. Well from a sicko practical point of view, he is growing boobs, so if he keeps his junk as is, what will he call them, Moobs? Not a pretty picture no matter which way you hold the Kodak.

  6. Although the sick bastard will be “out of the gene pool”, he/she and his/her future partner will move to the front of the line to adopt some poor unfortunate child whose mind they will pollute and whose soul they will kill.

  7. “Why is a 17 year old living alone in the first place?”

    I left home at 17 and turned out alright … not perfect, mind you … but alright.
    (didn’t cut my junk off, though … in fact, never considered it)

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. If he waits another 6 months, he’ll (it’ll ?) be out of school and will have to pay for all that by him (it ?) self.
    Besides, his (its ?) boyfriend wants him (it) to have *it* done.
    This is getting too difficult to keep up with.

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