Latest Concerted Effort To Stop Trump’s Anti-Globalist, Anti-Sharia, Pro-America Agenda – He’s Mentally Ill – IOTW Report

Latest Concerted Effort To Stop Trump’s Anti-Globalist, Anti-Sharia, Pro-America Agenda – He’s Mentally Ill

DC Whispers-

Apparently this isn’t a joke, nor is it merely another snide attempt to smear Donald Trump and the Trump campaign.

Sources indicate a concerted effort is now underway among a group of Establishment Democrats and Republicans to try and convince the American people that Donald Trump is mentally unfit to serve as President of the United States. These forces don’t need actual medical verification of their claims, but rather seek to merely have it confirmed within the court of public opinion.

It is an effort initiated by Barack Obama himself when he declared during a recent press conference that Mr. Trump was “unfit to serve” (then quickly echoed by New York Republican Congressman Richard Hanna) as American’s next president. That claim was a planned attack that is to be followed up by similar claims coming from both Republicans and Democrats and then magnified 24/7 by media cohorts intent on derailing the Trump campaign once and for all.

UPDATE #1: Georgia Republican Electoral College representative, Baoky Vu, a naturalized U.S. citizen, just announced he may not be casting a vote for Donald Trump because he feels Trump, “…antics and asinine behavior has cemented my belief that he lacks the judgment, temperament and gravitas to lead this Nation.”

UPDATE #2: Former Republican candidate for governor of California, Meg Whitman, just announced her intention to support and fund raise for Hillary Clinton, calling Donald Trump a, “dishonest demagogue” who has, “…undermined the fabric of our national character.”

UPDATE #3: CNN just went live with reports of an alleged “Trump Intervention” to take place in the coming days for what the network declares to be, “…a disastrous 48 hours” by the candidate himself. John Harwood just declared that Trump campaign staff are, “suicidal.”

UPDATE #4: The Daily Caller is now spinning a story that
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ht/ all too much

26 Comments on Latest Concerted Effort To Stop Trump’s Anti-Globalist, Anti-Sharia, Pro-America Agenda – He’s Mentally Ill

  1. For 70 years of Trump’s life no one had ever accused Donald Trump a racist, demagogue, uncaring, unintelligent and certainly never mentally unbalanced UNTIL Trump runs for President.
    But when you run against the progressive/socialist/alinsky aligned democrats pull out alinsky’s RULE 10: “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.”

    There are two ways to elevate yourself, speak of your accomplishments and character and secondly, the cowardly way is to manufacture lies about others to tear them down to your level. Hillary has no legal or favorable accomplishments. Hillary will not stop here, it’ll get “more” outlandish and brutal.

  2. If Trump must be defeated to “save conservatism” then how do these folks feel about the rest of the RINO congress? Should we all vote democrat this November to purge government of all fake conservatives? Or will just getting their gal elected be enough to satisfy their high morals?

  3. These guys will never learn. Never, ever. They have no idea just how big a can of Whoop Ass they opened on themselves. The Monster Vote just got more monster-er.

    Why? Because:

    “The buzzard told the monkey, “You’re choking me
    Release your hold and I’ll set you free”
    The monkey looked the buzzard right dead in the eye and said “Your story’s touching, but is sounds like a lie””

  4. Is it that the MSM just don’t want to learn or that they just CAN’T learn?

    Trump is riding the tsunami wave against you, MSM and established political hacks, BECAUSE of the negatives you grab onto and hang onto like rabid pit bulls, about Trump.

    Don’t you get it; WE DON’T BELIEVE YOU, TRUST YOU, OR EVEN PAY ATTENTION to your smear tactics.

    The stench of Hillary Clinton’s corruption, overwhelms everything, and you choose idiotic, straw grasping Trump stories, that are quickly discredited, rather than cover her lies and misdeeds. Shame on you. Oh that’s fright, you have no shame. Then just go to hell.

  5. Nigga please.

    I smell desperation. They see the over flowing crowds Trump is drawing at his rallies, sometimes just a few days after a visit by Hillary and her drawing in the “100s”

    They’re trying to gaslight us with these ridiculous polls, really who’s buying hillary got a 10 point+ bump after that pathetic, lifeless speech. Which was after 4 days of constant strife.

    They know Hillary has absolutely no way to convince people she is the best pick, they must tear down Trump.

    It might be working on those who would never vote Trump in the first place but it’s not changing one mind of those that are committed. What it is going to do is show any uncommitted people just how fucking deranged Trump oppo is.

    I say keep it up and those in Hanna’s district should vote D this year-one less traitor in the R caucus is a good thing.

    And Meg whitman can kiss may ass.

  6. This comment from “Janice The Elder” at MOTUS:

    “Things that make you go hmmmm? If Donald Trump is doing so poorly in the polls, why are the Democrats demanding the Republicans replace him?”

  7. The masks are off. The disguises torn away. The GOPe RINOs are now being seen for who and what they truly are, Libtard DildoCrats. No more hiding.
    We, the people, the voting public, now see who YOU are, so WE know who to vote for. And who NOT to vote for.
    I, like many other people, might say something about “shame”, but these politicians have none. In order to reach their level in the statist hierarchy, they never did, and never will.
    Aste manana, bitches.

  8. Right Trump is crazy and suffering from a narcissistic disorder. So they are fine with Hillary’s health issues, her constant lying, her treason and they are equally unconcerned after 7.5 years of Obama’s narcissism including that crap he pulled the other day, being the first POTUS in history to insert himself to such a degree in the election.


  9. No one in the GOPe wants to take a closer look at Hillary’s problems? There are so many to choose from, each nevertrumper could take 1 and run with it.
    How’s this for ironic— NT’s are pissed because the GOP picks the candidate FOR them, and right now the GOP is spreading the rumor that they are actually trying to choose one. And the NT’s are thinking they’re going to pick Cruz. Come on, NT’s!!! Really? If Cruz was in Trump’s position right now, they’d be gaslighting Cruz and pushing JEB! You can’t be this stupid.

  10. Son of a bitch, if we’re not witnessing national suicide taking place.

    The dems are pulling out all the stops, as expected. The RINOs are just as bad as the dems. The GOPe doesn’t want to lose their piece of the freeloader’s pie they get from screwing America. Fuck all the bastards!

  11. And I hope this puts so much pressure on Hillary to try and look like she’s not completely batshit crazy, that she blows some circuits and stabs Barry to death with a G-301 Zebra stainless steel pen.

    [fuck! my internet sucks!] [Keep losing connection.]

  12. Kinda reminds me of the times my mother-in-law bakes a fudge pie for Sunday dinner. Usually the first person to take a bite declares that the pie is terrible and not fit for human consumption. Then they attempt to “protect” everyone else by taking the rest of the pie away.

  13. I understand Meg Whitman is a wealthy broad, but to use an old phrase concerning varmits, “she better hunt her hole”. America, at least the honest, roughly half, should note well, what she’s doing, why, and when.
    No quarter.

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