Muslim refugees refuse food because of the Red Cross on boxes – IOTW Report

Muslim refugees refuse food because of the Red Cross on boxes

From Knights Templar International:

muslim turn away food red cross

Just in case you didn’t know what’s headed your way as hundreds of thousands of Middle Eastern migrants mass to invade Europe! This is one video that the BBC most certainly won’t let you see! This stunning footage shows the ungrateful Muslim mob on the Greek/Macedonian border waving away food parcels because they are offended by the red crosses that have been on the boxes since 1864.

46 Comments on Muslim refugees refuse food because of the Red Cross on boxes

  1. Why is the Red Cross feeding the savage animals who are invading other countries to impose sharia and violent jihad on them?
    Look for these bleeding heart imbeciles to rebrand the boxes with the symbols of the evil cult of islam. Look for me to never give the Red Cross another cent.

  2. Look at the shithole they are living in. These aren’t people, so it doesn’t matter what they are offended by. Hanging out in a trash dump in ankle high water surrounded by razor wire bitching about a food branding should give you an idea of the quality of life they choose. These retards won’t be happy until you live a worse life: have a good look.

  3. Exactly. If your family is starving and you’re that damn picky about the friggin’ box your life-saving gift food is arriving in, then build your own civilized society complete with mohammed food packaging.
    Of course, if you’re following mohammed then building a civilized society is out of the question.

  4. I once witnessed my brother feed his dogs some leftover fried okra and turnip greens. They gobbled it down. I told him my dog wouldn’t eat stuff like that.
    He said “mine wouldn’t either……for 2 weeks”

  5. Maybe Planned Butcherhood can send them some unmarked boxes with body parts… they like blood and guts.

    “Hahahaha, I love it… I love it…” Hillarys famous last words.

  6. Let them effing starve or eat bugs. Lots of nutrition in insects so I’ve heard.

    Better yet where the Hell is the Muslim-based Red Crescent to take care of their own? Why don’t these subhumans go invade a nice warm Mooslime Gulf State country? Not wanted there, eh?

    Allahu Fubar and Lan Astaslem

  7. The EU attempts to feed 7th century muslim beggars, users, losers and murderers.

    That is much more than the EU has done to save the lives of devout Christians who are systematically, raped, beaten, beheaded, stoned and mutilated by the very same people the EU are feeding.

    Hey, EU, do you feel better helping murders who swear to annihilate you? You are as corrupt, dumb and evil as obama. DISGUSTING!

  8. You know, Eugenia, their Arab ancestors actually did eat locusts for protein. They also would so things like slash an X in a camel and suck its blood. That’s how brutal and savage life was in the arabian desert

    Amazing how such a brutal environment could have spawned such a gentle, peace loving religion. Ya think?

  9. Isn’t there a Red Cross counterpart called the Red Crescent? why aren’t they feeding their own? Pretty much goes for all aid, there are numerous filthy rich oil laden countries full of Arabs. let them take care of themselves if they are going to be ungrateful.

  10. You can take the barbarian out of Islamic control,, but you can’t take Islam out of the barbarian. Islam, for centuries has brainwashed these fools so well they would rather believe a lie and starve. Life has no meaning to a barbarian.

  11. Maybe that should be an entry test at the (any) border. Pass them a (food) aid box with the Red Cross on the side. If they accept it, let them in. If they reject it, turn them away, with any excuse.

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