PP Goes PP in Their Pants – IOTW Report

PP Goes PP in Their Pants

It looks like Planned Parenthood has gone into Def Con 1 as it desperately reviews what it has been revealing about itself to outside venders, particularly a company called Biomax (the front company used by the Center for Medical Progress to make their investigative videos).


They’re panicking now that they realize they let a Biomax representative observe PP actually harvesting organs from fetal remains

PP is warning their Congressional backers that the worse is yet to come in the exposure of their horrific practices.


It will be a case study in damage control if PP can survive the coming onslaught of truth.

17 Comments on PP Goes PP in Their Pants

  1. Liberals won’t even know about it because Jon Stewart won’t cover it.

    I hope he proves me wrong, but the left is ignoring this story (or like ABC not calling it what it is and renaming dead babies as “medical tissue), so will it matter?

  2. Since pp is doing the work of the devil and the US has sold its soul to the devil I really think the fallout will be quite minimal.

    I look for some people around the hidden cameral investigators to start dying for unknown causes. I hope they have multiple of all their videos on flash drives in many hands because ol hairy legs will be protecting his pp.

  3. I may not want to, but I think that we all need to do so, if only to be able to speak truth to the naysayers as to what it showed…if you saw it, they can’t say you didn’t without also calling you a liar to your face.

  4. Ya’ know. I don’t think the people who made the videos give a hoot in a barrel one way or the other whether they are prosecuted (or even persecuted) by the federal government or not.

    I certainly would be rather indifferent to what my fate would be and I would have already have put in place a mechanism so that widespread circulation is assured and preventing widespread distribution is impossible regardless of what comes of their attacks on me.

    Any moral legitimacy the federal government of the United States of America ever had has been forfeit in these matters.

    Remember, everything Dr Mengele did was legal… right up until the day the progressive “enlightened” Party (the Party and the political philosophy that had the support of the American and European progressive movement right up until the very day that Hitler attacked the Soviet Union) that was in power in Germany was defeated by force of arms.



    Case closed.

    Nothing will ever come of the ghastly revelations. And we all have hell to pay for allowing it to happen.

    God help us all.

  6. I like Biomax and/or the Center for Medical Progress Read…..

    They didn’t just get one juicy soundbite…..

    They’ve got a few years of juicy soundbites.

    Even PP admits that Biomax has “…set up exhibits at our National Medical Conference and our National Conference over the last couple of years…was shown a highly sensitive area in a clinic where tissue is processed after abortion procedures…”

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