There is an ugly war going on on the right – IOTW Report

There is an ugly war going on on the right

There is a war on the right.

On one side is a faction of people who like to throw around the phrase #cuckservative. These people are Trump supporters.

On the other side are the conservatives that loathe Trump. These players are your George Wills, Charles Krauthammers, Erick Ericksons and the number one target of these hashtaggers – The National Review.

I don’t support either side in this war.

It’s been my observation that anyone using the hashtag #cuckservative is pretty much a racist asshole, and a Jew hater as well. They don’t even try and hide it. They’re proud of it. I won’t be part of that.

While I don’t support these particular Trump supporters (you can be a Trump supporter and not be a part of this racist cabal), to be fair, they did make a great point with this graphic –




I’m perfectly content with the Trump candidacy as long as Jeb Bush is in the race. (I still say all of these “purists” are looking for a way to get Bush in.) I do not trust the GOP, I do not trust National Review, I do not trust anybody, because absolutely nothing gets done for the right, even when we have all three branches of government. When we have the hill we still lose ground to a president with a phone and a pen and a crumpled constitution. It’s maddening.

So, as far as I’m concerned, voting for Trump is better than a “hold your nose vote,” because at least Trump, whether he’s lying or not, just might be the “clown” who makes America great again.

Certainly the watercress sandwich eating country club GOP isn’t doing a friggin thing for me. America is swirling the bowl.

Send in the “clowns.”

HT/ Jason Chisel

50 Comments on There is an ugly war going on on the right

  1. What is a “cuck”, anyway?

    Don’t care that Trump supporters are using anything. Us good guys (and gals) always finish last. Follow the ‘rules’, finish last. Fight the good fight, finish last. Scorched earth, means justifies the ends, etc. — beat the progs at their own game. Win.

  2. It comes from the word cuckold, which is a guy who’s cheated on by his wife and tolerates it because he’s weak.
    I guess they are saying cuckservatives are people who think they are conservative yet tolerate being made fools of by the GOP.

  3. Guess I’m not up to speed on that term, cuckservative. I sure as fuck know that Will, Erickson, NR and a host of others can kiss my ass.

    I can’t possibly understand anyone that wants to destroy this country with debt & illegals and unless I see them jumping top and down with their hair on fire like every conservative I know, they sure as hell don’t share my values.

    Seeing Erickson denying Trump a place at his meeting and then working the audience for Jeb was all I ever need to know about that fuckstick.

    And Will’s piece last week telling me I’m a bone headed rube for supporting him was his last nail.

    Kevin Williamson who has actually written some good stuff for NR joined Kaminsky at the Spectator in coming out as part of the GOPe. Fuck both of them.

    They don’t have a GD clue and are as much of the problem as the fucking REgressives. I can only hope that after their scorched earth, upcoming negative ad campaign against Trump not only fails, but gets him even higher polls, they crawl back under their rocks forever.

  4. Agree on all points.

    It really disturbs me that so few people are open to even having a discussion without feeling the need to brand those who disagree. Show me your arguments, listen to mine, and let’s have an open conversation. Of course that’s a lot of my issue with Trump as well.

  5. What annoys me with the anti-Trump screed from the right is they are using the same tactics as the left. They are not laying out their case with facts. It’s innuendo and character assassination.

    “He’s a braggart” – It ain’t bragging if you’ve done it. (By the way, do you notice how unrelentingly POSITIVE Trump is? The BEST people come to his rallies. His friends are the BEST negotiators.)

    “He’s not a conservative “- how so?) Out of context quotes “He wanted to raise taxes on the rich” (in 1989 when the federal deficit was $500 billion he offered to pay 14 1/2% of his income in taxes to pay it off if all rich people would do the same. Sounds like a patriot). “He was for abortion” ( in 1990 – I was, too. A lot more people were. We’ve changed our minds in the past 25 years).

    They don’t address the substantive issues he raises – Why not put the welfare of Americans first? Why not stop all illegal immigration? How much do illegal immigrants cost vs their contribution? Why can’t we negotiate treaties that benefit America as well as the other side? Why wasn’t anyone else putting these issues on the table and why aren’t they now?

    It’s the GOP adopting Alinsky tactics. You see it on almost every so-called “conservative” site.

    On the positive side, it has caused me to watch Trump’s rallies and press conferences – something I did rarely with other candidates. He’s made great progress as a candidate since his announcement and I’m impressed the way he handles not only dozens of questions in a conference but he allows people to shout out to him in his rallies and listens to what they have to say.

  6. What irks me the most about the “conservative establishment” is that:

    1) I suspect what irks THEM the most is that they are not controlling the conservative narrative. For Godsake, Mr. Will and Mr. Krauthammer, this is what we’re all fighting the progressives about – the fact that a few self appointed masterminds want to tell us how we’re going to think!
    Once you guys start dictating to us who we’re supposed to support (and if we don’t we’re idiots) you’re no better than the Democrats.
    Do I think Trump is a solid constitutional conservative? No.
    Can he be a loose cannon? Yup.
    Am I willing to gamble that he’ll do the right thing? You friggin’ bet I am. Because I KNOW Jeb will cave. He’ll cave like Romney, McCain, and Dole. THAT, is no gamble. I know that for a fact.

    And 2) They are STILL following the same old losing plan of trying to be liked by the New York Times.

  7. Trump is running on almost the exact same platform that BiIl Clinton originally ran on. Seal the borders and improve the economy. His tax proposals mimic Clinton, as have his ‘conversions’ toward the right coming recently as they were for Clinton at the time.
    As Trump has been a life long Democrat, this should not be a surprise.
    What is worth noticing is that the Republican party is now to the left of where the Democrat party was in the early 90’s.
    That is free fall into the abyss.
    I don’t want to re-elect Bill Clinton, but it is looking like that may be the best choice available.
    The democrats don’t have a viable candidate, and they have moved so far to the left that they would not accept Bill Clinton today.

  8. the George Wills, Charles Krauthammers, Erick Ericksons ARE NOT Conservatives just self proclaimed like Brooks & Weigel.

    George Will long time mouth piece of the Establishment Wash DC GOP, Charles Krauthammer was a Mondale/Carter speech writer 4 God’s sake, Erick Erickson’s been Establishment GOP supporting Jeb Bush FOREVER…

    btw in terms of full disclosure I do NOT support Trump, and redstate’s banned me for calling out Erickson’s support of Establishment & Jeb Bush after implying was a Trump supporter.

  9. Here’s the appeal to Trump…he doesn’t have a bunch of “strategists” telling him what to say. It’s the damned consultants that I hold culpable. The politicians have been trained to believe the consultants know what they are talking about (can you say Karl Rove?) and like idiots, they buy it. This war is worth fighting. We measly no names have a good thought or two, and by golly, the Krauthammer’s and Will’s of the world – while very intelligent on their on end, need to pay attention! And please dear Lord in Heaven, no Jeb…no more Establishment picks. They are not winners.

  10. One thing is for sure. For the past 6-1/2 years, the United States of America has been getting reamed up the ass by evil forces both within and without. Fucking cabinet members who couldn’t manage their way out of a paper bag. Fifth-rate, shitstain nations whose citizenry seems to consist primarily of Cro – Magnon men. Muslim punks who think that they, and only they, have all the answers. And our POS prezzy lets it all happen on his watch, “leading from behind.” No, you dumbass, you’re confusing gay sexual positions with leadership styles.

    This shit will come to a grinding halt when Trump sits down at the Resolute Desk. And his retard detractors say, “Oh, he’s such a bully,” LIKE THAT ‘S A BAD THING!

    How has having a faggot-assed pussy in charge worked out for this country?

    No further questions, Yer Honor.

  11. What bothers me is that things have gotten this nutty this early in the game. We haven’t even had the second debate. The Trump supporters are too enthusiastic and the detractors are too vehement. For my part, I wish it was Ted Cruz in Trump’s position, and I am amazed at how staunch conservatives, who have been such purists over the last few years, are throwing character to the wind for the “strong man.” But I love this disruption to the establishment’s plan.

  12. Your first 2 sentences stopped me cold.
    Then I read the rest.

    OK, so you’re NOT (thankfully) saying ALL Trump supporters are fucking fascists, but moreso the other way ’round…AND I AGREE!

    I went on to American Renaisance, and <vDare, jokeocracy, and a few other sites (incl. but not limited to Kakistocracy, and other NRx – that’s NEO-REACTIONARY for the uninitiated),

    …to ask: “okay: so what’s your goal/objective, and how do you propose to achieve/reach it?”

    …only to be responded to with attacks and insults of JEWBOY, SEND YOU TO THE OVENS etcetera.

    Well, FUCK ‘EM.

    I’m sure there are plenty of folks (incl. Derbyshire?) who may fit into the


    and are NOT neo Nazis.

    THAT SAID: they justify and ratioalize and provide a present-day platform for legitimizing


  13. as a P.S.

    As is their wont, having less than a fully functioning IQ,
    neo-nazis, KKKers and other bigot extremist-Leftists just LOVE to clutch onto “movements” and other things in the hopes of legitimization and overtaking their “causes.”

    Theft. It’s all they know.
    They’re hardly capable of an independent thought.
    Outside of chirping one form of totalitarianism or another.

    The term “cuckservative” was never clearly defined, so I never used it.
    I never liked attacking the CONSERVATIVE biz.
    The “Republican” part? NO PROB!
    But: that was never the intent, I suspect.

    Link both (them/GOPe and us) and trash them to claim supremacy.
    Fuck the fascists.

    AS A P.P.S.
    Don’t let these losers “poison” Trump, the way the Left tried already with their “KKK white hood signs – Make America White Again” tried.

    Fail, fail, non plus ultra ÜBER FAIL.

  14. It’s a sad day for the Democrats when Clinton, Sanders, Biden, Warren, O’Malley, etc etc are seen as the answer.

    So, what’s your preference, numbnuts?

    And…NO: Christie, Fiorina, Pataki, Graham, Rubio, etc etc are NOT acceptable answers.

  15. National Review has gone to the dark side. After reading (admittedly, not all, because it read like a Sociology 101 Text book– long, boring and full of shit talk.) Jason Lee Steorts’ “Gay Manifesto” in National Review, “Why we should recognize same sex marriage,” I was dumbfounded. WHF? I said to myself, is going on here? And then, even worse, I answered myself, and I said to my self, loud enough to disturb Mrs. Moe, GOD DAMN, THIS IS BULLSHIT!

    I looked up Harvard genius Jason Lee Steorts, Managing Editor of National Review.:
    He has criticized the Ferguson Police Department and Sheriff David Clarke and sided with Eric Holder’s DOJ. He was instrumental in ridding National of my very favorite writer, Mark Steyn.

    But read it all for yourselves: Check out:

    “Taki’s Magazine”

    “Beta male suckiness at National Review” By Kathy Shaidle, June 02, 2015.

    I’ve been a subscriber to NR since 1968. I’m paid up until late 2016, I think. If Jason Lee is still around. Bye bye. I’ll cancel my own Goddamn subscription.


    you don’t have to think it, check into Daniel Hannan’s book about the legacy of “The English Speaking Peoples..”

  17. I’m pretty sure we predated Steyn calling Trump an asshole when we put out the meme –

    I’m voting for that asshole Trump.

    Being a liberal is easy. You simply take everything from everyone and hand it out like Santy Claus.
    You win a lot of popularity contests with this sluggish and lunkheaded approach to governance.

    It is difficult to sell the wisdom of conservatism to a moron when comparing it to the allure of socialism- “me want things, give me things… for free. Conservatism sound hard.”

    I think we may have something here with Trump.
    People who barely pay attention will vote for him. When’s the last time the right benefitted from that?

    Is it a gamble? Yes.
    But as Irony said, we weren’t even gambling with McCain and Romney, and now with Jeb.
    We KNOW they were/are going to screw us.

    I’m willing to roll the dice.
    How much worse ca things be?

  18. The real risk/test, IMHO, are the next 6 months…leading up to the GOP Primaries:

    how much damage will the GOP (and competing candidates and their PACs and the Chamber of Commerce) do to the person likely to win?

    It’s one thing for the Dem (Clinton/Biden/whoever) to do it later…that’s EXPECTED. But the damage done “in house” can be long lasting.

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