Trump Was Right When He Said The DNC Ratf*cked Bernie Sanders – IOTW Report

Trump Was Right When He Said The DNC Ratf*cked Bernie Sanders

Last night at the RNC convention, Trump said that “Bernie Sanders never had a chance against Hillary because “the DNC rigged the system against him.”

Less than 24 hours later proof emerges that Trump was correct.

Breitbart- WikiLeaks, show DNC staffers conspiring against Hillary Clinton’s primary rival Bernie Sanders, including one email that appears to contemplate using Sanders’ religion against him.

That email, reproduced by The Intercept, is from the CFO of the Democratic National Committee, Brad Marshall, sent to DNC comms director Luis Miranda and deputy comms director Mark Paustenbach. The message reads:

It might may no difference, but for KY and WVA can we get someone to ask his belief. Does he believe in a God. He had skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist.

One of the replies to this email came from CEO Amy Dacey, who said simply, “AMEN.”

The Intercept followed up with Marshall, who claimed not to remember sending the email, and suggested he might have been talking about some “surrogate,” rather than Sanders – who was the only Jewish candidate running in either primary.

The Intercept also delicately notes that it is “unclear why the Democratic National Committee, which isn’t supposed to favor one Democratic candidate over another until they receive a nomination, would have attempted to subvert the Sanders campaign on the grounds that ‘he is an atheist.’”

Another way to look at would be that DNC honchos have a very dim view of their own voters in certain regions, and think they might hesitate to vote for a Jew. Mediaite notes that in another email on this thread, Marshall said “It’s these Jesus thing.” In the event, Sanders won West Virginia and lost Kentucky.

Also read how a Politico reporter gave the Hillary camp a first look at a story so they could tweak how the reporter presented his story to readers – a total breach of journalistic best practices.

9 Comments on Trump Was Right When He Said The DNC Ratf*cked Bernie Sanders

  1. When that America-Hating, Deserter-Honoring, Marxist Muzlim, Jug-eared Jihadi puts her on Air Force One and let’s her speak at the podium with the Presidential Seal before she’s even selected as the democRat candidate you’d better believe Bernie wuz Ratf*cked, Reamed, Steamed, Drycleaned and Buttf*cked DNC Style!

  2. Bernie knew the fix was in, just like we knew when the FBI and DOJ conducted the hillary investigation of her criminal e-mail activity.
    bernie didn’t have a corrupt clinton foundation with a $Billion dollars to buy everyone off.
    bernie was played the fool by the DNC and hillary.

  3. Actually, the RNC and the DNC BOTH have a very dim view of their voters. Not just in certain regions, but everywhere. In the DNC, Debbie Was-a-Man Schultz and company decided that Hillary would be the candidate, and they then screwed Sanders. The RNC NeverTrump crew tried its damnedest to get the rules changed so that the delegates could vote their consciences instead of voting the way the people told them to vote.

    The RNC and DNC are both exactly the same side of the same establishment. They want business as usual, meaning that we the people are given an illusion that our opinions matter, so that they can fill their pockets with our tax dollars, and they can continue to tell us what to think and how to live.

    If we can keep the dead from rising and voting for Hillary, along with every illegal alien that the establishment can import and give voting rights to, we may actually get Trump as a President, and may just get our country back.

  4. Hillary has a lot more dirt on her than that socialist weenie.
    Southern Baptist she is NOT…

    Hillary Rodham Clinton used New Age psychic Jean Houston, co-director of the Foundation for Mind Research, to talk to the spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt. Reports say that Mrs. Clinton had talks with Roosevelt and Mohandas Gandhi. From the Bible’s point of view, of course, if there was contact with any spirits, they were not the spirits of the dead, but demons.

  5. the same DNC that BOOed God 3 times at the last convention? Its the only time they speak of Him is when they are desperate.

    Right F.D.R. in hell?

  6. Check out the Wikileaks DNC collection. Use a search term or just wander around. Its obvious the DNC is a Clinton-centric entity. Everything is about her, how she is doing, what she can do, should have done and will remember to do; its everywhere.

    The people who need to understand how BS got raked need to be see this. I wonder what sites they read. I’d love to share.

  7. Here you go, JMV. Have had it for a long while now.

    If people did not understand this by the 2012 election – then they weren’t paying attention.

    If they don’t understand it now – they are the problem.

    I started seeing Bushes complicity in pushing us closer to a NWO and severe Gov intrusion in our lives as part of it. Patriot Act? TSA? 750 billion bailout ransom paid to stave off the banks hurting us?

    It was OK, though, since it was a “conservative” saving us from our fears.

    Judging by results – empirical evidence says – At the top, they have been the same party for a good long while.

    This is what Trump is busting up – again by empirical evidence, the establishment wet their pants over losing control of the candidates.

    The agenda is threatened now.

    This is what I think the NTs don’t get. The proof is out there that he is not a continuation of the same-ol’ same-ol’ while the other two choices are. Those choices being Hill or sit out.

  8. Bernie played (and was rewarded, I’m sure) his part of the the script, as written.

    The problem with politics is that they are all playing us.

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