Muzzy Math – IOTW Report

Muzzy Math

One of the 7 terrorists that attacked Paris has been connected with the influx of Syrian refugees. Simple math shows that of 129 dead each terrorist represents 18 victims. If the planned importation of 10,000 Syrian refugees is allowed, and the same small percentage slips in, 6,984 American lives are in jeopardy! This isn’t a political issue, it’s a national security one. Not ONE American life is worth the risk. – Facebook

I’m not following the math here, but I fully understand the concern.
If one refugee goes on a rampage and is involved with the killing of 129 innocent people, cannot we assume that 10,000 imported refugees, unexamined, may have 200 potential maniacs?
That’s inviting in another 9/11.
What ever happened to “NEVER FORGET!”?
Politicians putting us at risk, and for what?? What are we gaining?? Humanitarian cred?
I’m being a humanitarian to my fellow citizens when I say NO WAY, NO HOW!

14 Comments on Muzzy Math

  1. Oops, looks like I assumed that all 10,000 moslems would act the same way the pedophile muhammad would want them to act.

    Ok. the problem here is figuring out what percentage of muslims do not take jihad seriously. Fuck that! I’m sticking with 100%.

  2. “”The most beautiful sound in the world,” according to Barack Obama, is the Islamic call to prayer. So it is no surprise that one of the ancillary events at the Democratic Party’s convention in Charlotte will feature two hours of “Jumah” (Friday) prayers.” ~ “Barack Obama, a Muslim’s Useful Idiot”, RealClearReligion, August 29, 2012

    The most beautiful sound in the world. Not the sound of your child’s first cry at birth, not the sound of your mother’s voice singing you a lullaby, not the sound of your loved one telling you they scraped through a harrowing ordeal safely or the thrilling voice hitting those high notes in a Star Spangled Banner. No, none of those.

    What made Barack Hussein Obama think he needed to say that to us?

  3. Here’s the difference between obama and someone like Donald Trump. Although Trump initially agreed that the situation in Syria was “Hell” and that “something” should be done for those fleeing that country. Some weeks ago he said that because there’s no way of knowing who would come into the U.S. and “maybe…probably..” there would be no danger in allowing them, to him “maybe and probably” are completely unacceptable.

    To have a president — whether obama or someone else — allow a group of people without any way to know who is coming in among them who will cause death and destruction to the people of this nation shows his utter contempt for us. He needn’t worry. His family and friends all have secret service or other physical protection from such horrors as we’ve seen in Paris, Boston and New York.

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