NY Times Touts Communism Saying Women Under Totalitarian Communist Regimes Had “Better Sex” – IOTW Report

NY Times Touts Communism Saying Women Under Totalitarian Communist Regimes Had “Better Sex”

NY Times – Kristen Ghodsee:

 …it was so easy for women before the Wall fell,” she told me, referring to the dismantling of the Berlin Wall in 1989. “They had kindergartens and crèches, and they could take maternity leave and have their jobs held for them. I work contract to contract, and don’t have time to get pregnant.”

This generational divide between daughters and mothers who reached adulthood on either side of 1989 supports the idea that women had more fulfilling lives during the Communist era. And they owed this quality of life, in part, to the fact that these regimes saw women’s emancipation as central to advanced “scientific socialist” societies, as they saw themselves.

Eastern bloc women did not need to marry, or have sex, for money. The socialist state met their basic needs and countries such as Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and East Germany committed extra resources to support single mothers, divorcées and widows. With the noted exceptions of Romania, Albania and Stalin’s Soviet Union, most Eastern European countries guaranteed access to sex education and abortion. This reduced the social costs of accidental pregnancy and lowered the opportunity costs of becoming a mother.

“The Republic gave me my freedom,” Ms. Durcheva once told me, referring to the People’s Republic of Bulgaria. “Democracy took some of that freedom away.”


Stunningly stupid.

41 Comments on NY Times Touts Communism Saying Women Under Totalitarian Communist Regimes Had “Better Sex”

  1. The trouble with liberals is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that is wrong. Ronald Reagan
    And they get what they know from “The New York Times.”

  2. and they had no fruits and vegetables (latte? what’s that?), medical care, hot water, or an automobile. sigh….a communist’s dream. Move to Cuba YOU DOPE

  3. And it has ever been thus, since the 20s, since the beginning of Communism in Russia, the NYSlime has been in the tank and telling lies touting the positive for Russia Communism. The NYBirdcage Liner refused to report the deliberate starving of the millions of koulak farmers.

  4. It’s like saying to a crowd, “You haven’t really lived till you’ve made a million enemies and they draw and quarter you and your guts spill out all over the road!”…..and then expect applause and cheers.

    More thorazine.

  5. Does this mean Russia is good again? Im confused… Russia good Russia bad… Cuba good Cuba bad… Maduro good Maduro bad.

    Should Chris Homo Cuomo wear his Guyaberra shirt on tv today and act like a 5 year old on Christmas morning like he did when he was in Cuba for the Fidel Odinga make our session?

  6. We already have this here; it’s called welfare. It has resulted in a 70% illegitimacy rate in many poor black urban areas, but at least the state provides the basic necessities of life for single mothers and their children.

    Sounds good, but most people don’t want to live in criminal infested poor urban neighborhoods despite all of the wonderful child care and assistance the state provides. Go figure.

  7. It is sad, but also interestingly ironic when you realize that if what the ‘Left’ wants to happen ‘happens’, they will be the least useful, trustworthy and first to be “dealt with” by whomever seizes power. These things never turnout for the better, as history has shown with glaring clarity.

  8. I can believe this true, but in this text. She probably belonged to a General or high ranking party official. In exchange for sex, she got to live the good life. We all know that those regimes, the Upper Echelon of Party supporters lives 1000% differently than those they enslave.

    Just like up until she disappeared, Kim Jung Un’s wife would probably say the same thing. “Slave labor camps? People eating wall paste to survive? Citzens being hanged for not having at least 10 portraits of Un in the house? Nonsense, we women of North Korea live a wonderful life. Un tells me so every day, so it must be true. Though I am still trying to figure out why he just came home with a electric chair for the basement.”

  9. Miss Ghodsee, This is one of the most insulting articles to American voting women I have
    ever read. Your braintrust there at the NYT met and decided the way to bring back the
    female vote is to tell them if they help to institute Socialism/Communism here in this
    country in the next elections, they’ll get a better lay? Just dangle the Big O in front of
    our dirty, dim little faces and we’ll come running?

    You/NYT have unbridled contempt for the female voters (and all voters for that matter) in
    this country. Rest assured, we’ll return the “compliment” to you and your comrades in
    2018 and 2020.

    BTW, if you get rocked sooooo much better under communism, why the hell are you
    still here?!? Go get f*cked back in the Motherland.

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