Ted Cruz steals the debate with his dressing down of CNBC moderators.
Ted Cruz steals the debate with his dressing down of CNBC moderators.
Women are not liking how they are…uhh.. displaying… in yoga pants. So they are increasingly going under the knife. HT/ Robe E. Wouldn’t it be cheaper and safer to change [Read More]
Baby born without a brain amazes doctors by celebrating his second birthday and says ‘Mummy’ for the first time – after his mother was told he would die within days. [Read More]
This jerk “teaches,” and is paid, under the guise of “public safety.” Yes, it’s very important to teach students how to give a proper blow job. MALE students. It’s a [Read More]
Pictured above is the green room for Trump and his entourage to hang out in ahead of tonight’s debate. Below is Rand Paul’s- Daily Mail- Ken McKay, Chris Christie’s campaign manager, [Read More]
Dustin Carpenter – Honor Student – Norteno Gang Member??? What led grown adults in the California school system to believe Dustin was a danger to his fellow students? Click read more
Conservative Treehouse ht/ sandy banks
Pamela Geller – If there was ever a cautionary tale for America’s enemies of freedom and the Second Amendment, this is it. Shotguns have “virtually sold out” in Austria, as [Read More]
Gawker reports that there’s a racist bar in Athens, Georgia, but the bar (General Beauregard’s) denies it, and the story Gawker is telling doesn’t make sense. But that’s not the [Read More]
Isn’t that sad? Time just named this fraud as one of the 30 most influential teens of 2015
It never saw space travel, but it was an important piece of history. Newser- “It is a shame that it couldn’t be saved for posterity,” the operator of a space [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.