Beltway Insiders’ Politico Praises New Speaker for Standing Up ‘to the Right Wing’ for Obama – IOTW Report

Beltway Insiders’ Politico Praises New Speaker for Standing Up ‘to the Right Wing’ for Obama

ryan paul

BigGovernment: Politico’s Jake Sherman and John Bresnahan gush about Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)’s brief time as Speaker of the House of Representatives, citing indications that he will ignore his party’s conservative constituents to work better with President Obama.

From Politico:

Paul Ryan has been speaker of the House for just three weeks. It’s hardly enough time to make sweeping judgments about whether the Wisconsin Republican’s inclusive, bottom-up decision-making process is sustainable in the long term.

But still, over this period, Ryan has been busy. Very busy. He’s deftly navigated a Syrian refugee crisis that might’ve crippled former SpeakerRep. John Boehner (R-OH) He reformed an internal power center within the House Republican Conference. He’s reopened lines of constant communication with President Barack Obama. And he seems to be playing on an endless loop on cable television. more here

11 Comments on Beltway Insiders’ Politico Praises New Speaker for Standing Up ‘to the Right Wing’ for Obama

  1. there is no sense in asking congress to do anything about ryan. they won’t do it. not one of them. maybe 2 senators, 1 judge
    & the entire press will do a damn thing to touch barry o’fraud.
    gonna take a lot to get this pimp out of the white house ..

  2. Another fuckin traitor.
    As soon as he said his plan would “lower the rate of increase of the debt” everyone should have known he was a liar and a traitor.

    Unsustainable means “unsustainable.”

    It doesn’t mean “we’ll be able to handle it later.”

  3. The Tipping Point has been reached. The undercurrent of disgust with current politicians is deeper than can be measured by polls. Even among the lo-fos. You ask most people about politics, and if they are even remotely interested, they register disgust. This election will be the nuclear option. The pendulum is going to swing back, and swiftly. It will reach a point possibly further to the right than it is to the left, and that would be as destructive as our situation is now.

    We are entering dangerous waters, and the Ryans of the world are what brought us to this point.

  4. hey paul ryan, former VP candidate, the hope of all conservatives to take back the country from 0bama –

    The giver of fiery anti-0bama speeches – the staunch conservative budgeteer –


  5. You said, “It will reach a point possibly further to the right than it is to the left, and that would be as destructive as our situation is now.”

    You can call the left whatever you want but they are pretty much flat out totalitarian communists. Bernie Sanders is polling 30%(?) and he wants to put another $20 TRILLION on the tab! Hillary Clinton has said she will use the presidency to confiscate our weapons and continue Obama’s open borders and flooding this country with moslims and illegals.

    I for one have called for the military to arrest Obama/Jarrett-they are clearly far more then simply advocates for their side, they are traitors. Is that what you mean? How is that worse then the president ignoring our god given rights and moving to start a civil war?

    Personally I’m in favor of halting anymore moslim immigration, a border fence and immediate deportation of every illegal. I also believe we must sever any and all ties to Islamic countries as should every western country. That means no more mosques anywhere and any mosque found to be fomenting terrorism is to be razed and every moslim a member of that mosque involved, kicked out. Do you think that’s farther left then open borders and a Fed that is printing fairy dust money by the TRILLIONS???

    If it is, I do believe there’s nearly a couple hundred million Americans ready and willing to give it a try.

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