Biden’s Brain Surgeon Declares Joe Hasn’t Changed Since Second Aneurysm – IOTW Report

Biden’s Brain Surgeon Declares Joe Hasn’t Changed Since Second Aneurysm

Washington Examiner

Joe Biden almost died after suffering an aneurysm while serving in the Senate, but the surgeon who operated on his brain says that the incident shouldn’t hold him back in his pursuit of the presidency.

Dr. Neal Kassell, the renowned neurosurgeon who operated on Biden, said he’s confident that Biden is “totally in the clear,” and joked that he believed the surgery had even “made him better than how he was.” More

Just to make sure everyone understood old Joe is mentally sound, the same surgeon tweeted this reassurance yesterday. Here

30 Comments on Biden’s Brain Surgeon Declares Joe Hasn’t Changed Since Second Aneurysm

  1. I don’t see a difference in his behavior….gropey-dopey joey has always been a loquacious dolt and a compulsive liar.
    Apparently,that’s a prerequisite for membership in the demoncrat party.

  2. @ V.D. Vivant – just type into your web browser and it should take you to the website. I’ve seen on a blog or two this morning that youtube, et al had started working on blocking it before it even launched – so I typed it into the web browser to see if I could get the website or not and to show my support – and it came up for me.

  3. I’m calling BS on Greezy Joe Biden having brains.

    If there is a Zombie Apocalypse, they’re going to bypass Greezy Joe and keep looking for brains…Brains…BRAINS!

    If Greezy Joe Biden ever had an Original Idea and a cold drink of water at the same time, it would kill him dead.

  4. That article by the surgeon was NOT reassuring …. if anything, after reading it, a rational person would NEVER vote for Joe.

    What were they thinking — is this a reverse psychology strategy for Joe’s handlers to tell him it is time to hang it up ??

  5. So he was worse before the 2nd aneurysm?

    The idea that Kassell was patting hamburgers and rolled snakes out of what was left of Biden’s mental Play-Doh with his, what can only be described as penis sized fingers, is very reassuring.

    Than you, Doctor. Very cool.

  6. A doctor once told a friend of mine that she would probably never walk again when she had a pulled muscle in her back. The Doctor said she should go to bed and quit her job. She was 23 years old. She started to laugh at him thinking it was a joke. He wasn’t laughing.
    She said “I should have known, he was wearing a bow tie.”
    It’s good to remember that your doctor might be a liberal.

  7. Bwahahahaha… An 80 year old squinty eyed brain surgeon’s endorsement! Looks like the surgeon has had a stroke or Bell’s Palsy himself. Release your med records and recent brain scans Joe.…13973.13973..14306…0.0..……0….1..gws-wiz-img.U6k-iOVdRP4&ved=0ahUKEwirvOiSgpXkAhU1Pn0KHYGWAx0Q4dUDCAY&uact=5#imgrc=kRhQHjST49YXQM:

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