Bret Kavanaugh Harassed At D.C. Restaurant – IOTW Report

Bret Kavanaugh Harassed At D.C. Restaurant

Washington Examiner

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was forced to exit through a back door while dining in downtown Washington, D.C., Wednesday night after abortion rights protesters showed up.

Kavanaugh was dining at Morton’s The Steakhouse when a group of abortion rights protesters was tipped off while the justice was eating and showed up out front, according to Politico. More

12 Comments on Bret Kavanaugh Harassed At D.C. Restaurant

  1. Remember that Kavanaugh has received death threats. And this Administration sees no need to provide him additional security. In fact, if he was killed it would further their agenda by allowing a Lib justice to be named to replace him.

  2. Make no mistake, democrats hate America, they hate the US Constitution and are doing everything they can to make America and Americans look like like ass holes. The spew hate and feed anger 24/7… they need to go down hard.

  3. This is not free speech. Supreme Court Justices are being targeted by people who are demanding no restrictions on the ability to kill their own children… What do you think these people would be willing to do to Justices who restrict that ability? or to the Justices’ children? This is not mere harassment; this is domestic terrorism.

    And what about the residential neighbors or the fellow restaurant patrons or the restaurant owners and workers? Why should their lives be disrupted because the Justices are being targeted? They’re caught in the political (and perhaps real) crossfire. This is the definition of terrorism: making ordinary people afraid to engage in ordinary activities. Not only should the Justices take legal action, every one of their neighbors and everyone in that restaurant should file for cease and desist orders against every individual and organization that engages in this despicable behavior.


  4. I’m not a violent person and I don’t advocate violence. I’ve experienced cold, righteous rage and it’s not noisy, it’s deathly quiet and completely resolute. The fuse to that state is interminably long, but once lit there is fission. Unlike the Left’s scorched earth approach, however, such rage is aimed like a laser in the hand of the surgeon; precise, steady, deadly to the offending organism.
    There is no regret for the action taken. It was the only right thing to be done.

    These people are dull enough to not imagine such a response is even possible.

  5. Kavanaugh should hire some bully-boys to beat the living shit out of his harassers – and maintain plausible deniability by paying in cash and using an intermediary.

    “… protesters was tipped off …” There is obviously a conspiracy to harass and torment Kavanaugh, or they wouldn’t have been aware that he’d gone to that particular restaurant at that particular time. Isn’t that a crime?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. democrats = demonic filth

    Best prepare yourselves mentally for the day when it’s gonna be either you or one of them. Because that’s their goal. They won’t stop until they’re murdering people by the trainload.


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