Canada Legalized Gay Marriage Ten Years Ago — Here’s What To Expect Next, America – IOTW Report

Canada Legalized Gay Marriage Ten Years Ago — Here’s What To Expect Next, America



8 Comments on Canada Legalized Gay Marriage Ten Years Ago — Here’s What To Expect Next, America

  1. If they are going to ignore what the majority have already voted against, and force upon us their perverted agenda – with the intent of destroying our religious institutions, they can expect us to take out as many of them as we can when they come around to send us to prison for not thinking like them. And that day will come if we don’t start prosecuting the tyrants. And they will lose big. And then new laws will be written to void all of their anti-constitution laws, and the first time some dickhead opens his mouth in a manner that threatens our freedoms again, that unlucky son of a bitch will be deported to the top anti-homosexual moslem shithole country with a do not return ticket. Evil will not win.

  2. I am sick of this all-LGBT all the time coverage by the media. It’s been especially unavoidable this weekend. For me, the last straw was the White House looking like a Peter Max light show.

    I’m organizing a Straight Pride parade. Meet me at the back entrance (Kimball Avenue side) of the Sears in Yonkers at noon on July 4th.

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