China “Sanctions” US Companies After $1.8 Bil Weapons Sale To Taiwan, US Sells Another $237 Bil Of Missiles To Island Nation – IOTW Report

China “Sanctions” US Companies After $1.8 Bil Weapons Sale To Taiwan, US Sells Another $237 Bil Of Missiles To Island Nation

Washington Times

China is gearing up to slap sanctions on several U.S. weapons manufacturers for their role in a new weapons sale to Taiwan.

The companies that will be sanctioned include Lockheed Martin, Boeing and Raythron, among others, a spokesperson for China’s foreign ministry said Monday. More


The US State Department has approved the potential sale of 100 Boeing-made Harpoon Coastal Defense Systems to Taiwan in a deal that has a potential value of up to $2.37 billion (€2.03 billion), the Pentagon said on Monday. 

“The United States maintains an abiding interest in peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and considers the security of Taiwan central to the security and stability of the broader Indo-Pacific region,” the State Department said. It said the sale would not alter the military balance in the region.

Harpoon missiles are capable of striking ships and land targets. More

7 Comments on China “Sanctions” US Companies After $1.8 Bil Weapons Sale To Taiwan, US Sells Another $237 Bil Of Missiles To Island Nation

  1. I don’t know if anybodies pointed this out to China but it’s illegal for Lockheed Martin, Boeing and Raytheon to sell anything to the Chicoms. It also break DFAR restrictions to purchase any material from them. But nice headline anyway.

  2. Biden sold out our spies and assets in China. They are all dead or missing.

    Democrats invite their spies into our colleges, corporations, and fund BLM. Drive Feinstein around for 10 years.

    Let’s stop pretending. We are in a cold war that has gotten hot at the Indian border.

  3. The Chinese know that a war with Taiwan would wind up killing the Chinese economy and that’s the only thing keeping China going. A war with Taiwan would also make a conflict with India more likely.


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