CNN “Loses Satellite” Just as Congressman Starts To Cite Crimes Among Refugees Stats – IOTW Report

CNN “Loses Satellite” Just as Congressman Starts To Cite Crimes Among Refugees Stats

Those damn “gremlins in the machine!”

19 Comments on CNN “Loses Satellite” Just as Congressman Starts To Cite Crimes Among Refugees Stats

  1. Stands to reason. Gremlins are a lot like leftists. Ugly, mean spirited, vile creatures. They have no shame, no honor, no sense of responsibility. Their only happiness comes from making others miserable. CNN is infested with them.

  2. She looked somewhat apprehensive as the Congressman was rattling off the crime numbers, then smiled with glee and relief when the TV gremlin struck. What a fake!

  3. CNN is where leftist imbeciles go for their daily dose of fake news. No one with a shred of integrity would work there. It would be more honorable to be a thief or a whore.

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