Defector : Kim Jong-un’s Next Nuclear Weapons Test Might Be His Last – IOTW Report

Defector : Kim Jong-un’s Next Nuclear Weapons Test Might Be His Last


North Korea is suspected to be building a nuclear bomb much larger and dangerous than anything it has ever tested.

Commercial satellite imagery of the Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Site shows extensive tunneling for a test of a nuclear weapon with extremely high explosive yields, reports 38 North, a research site run by the U.S.-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies. While there is the possibility North Korea is simply taking extra safety precautions, the North could also be preparing to test a 282-kiloton nuclear bomb.

North Korea’s last nuclear test had an explosive yield of only 20-30 kilotons.

“The nuclear test which the North is trying to conduct at the Punggye-ri test site will break the country into two pieces,” Thae Yong-ho, a former North Korean diplomat who defected last year, explained to Voice of America.

He said that the radiation from a massive nuclear test would bring about an “apocalypse.”


Thanks, 0bama.

9 Comments on Defector : Kim Jong-un’s Next Nuclear Weapons Test Might Be His Last

  1. The nuke version of some illiterate desert jihadi blowing up himself and family trying to assemble an IED.

    Is China going to assassinate him and install a sane regime, or do they intend to let him continue as their stooge/hit man so he can nuke the USA for their benefit?

    Clinton and Obama arranged this chessboard. Trump is inheriting a losing game where the US Is already only a move or two away from final Check.

    I’m guessing the Soros clan have a series of well stocked 20 year bunkers on a Strangelovian epic scale.
    Because they are maneuvering us steadily (NoKo, Iran etc) into nuclear WWIII.

    Like WW1, it likely won’t end with the outcomes that the 1% had planned.

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