Democrat Mayor of Nashville Resigns After Pleading Guilty to Felony – IOTW Report

Democrat Mayor of Nashville Resigns After Pleading Guilty to Felony

Nasty woman.

Breitbart: NASHVILLE, Tennessee–Less than an hour after she pleaded guilty in a Nashville criminal court to felony theft charges related to her two-year-long extramarital affair with her former Metro Nashville Police Department bodyguard, Mayor Megan Barry resigned from office on Tuesday morning.

“Barry appeared in court Tuesday morning and pleaded guilty to theft of property over $10,000 — a Class C Felony. She will pay $11,000 in restitution and serve three years’ probation. After that time, she will be able to apply to have it expunged from her record,” NewsChannel 5 reported shortly after 9:30 am on Tuesday.

Minutes after she left the criminal court, Barry announced her resignation at a brief press conference held at Nashville City Hall.

“No one is as excited about this city and its bright and limitless future as I am,” Barry said.  MORE

30 Comments on Democrat Mayor of Nashville Resigns After Pleading Guilty to Felony

  1. Nashville’s a pretty shitty town.
    Makes ya wonder why she resigned – most Demonrats would just mutter some bullshit about “finally being able to move forward” and continue their schemes of theft and corruption.
    Think she was made an offer she couldn’t refuse?

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Democrats know the media will rarely turn on one of their own. With a false sense of security democrats just keep pushing their luck until one day they go too far and discover their pals in the media can no longer cover for them. Republicans are routinely accused of these crimes just for campaigning against a crooked democrat.

  3. Why didn’t the slut just declare that her paramour was actually a comfort animal assuaging the various and sundry tensions imposed on her by the strenuous work she was doing for “We The People”!

  4. I live in Nashville and I was counting the days till this slut was either removed from office or resigned. One of her big ideas is a multi-billion dollar boondoggle coming up on the May 1 ballot– rail transit that does absolutely NOTHING about the traffic congestion here. She was a typical Libtard with lots of ideas that don’t work, a big price tag to implement them, and a bunch of ignorant Democrats to help her get what she wanted. Well, BYE, felon!

  5. A beautiful day in the Music City but not one apology was given in her resignation speech.

    The libs want to “move on” as they have a $9.0B transit plan on the ballot May 1. With her stink all over it, they hope this eliminated the distraction of the plan’s biggest supporter.

    She’s a PoS and her husband is a literal cuck / leadership of our local ACLU.

    Nashville used to be the buckle of the bible belt but that buckle has been undone for quite a while.

    Next to Miami, it’s practically ground zero for southern gays and transplants from California and NY circling their country buttholes like ass vultures.

  6. wonder what type of deal got her probation instead of jail time? and to expunge it from her record–NO– put it in bold print so every time her name comes up the felony will show up also.. pay the price like normal (haha) people do..

  7. The reason, as I understand it, is they could not allow for diversion or expungement if they went higher on the felony class scale.

    Needless to say, there is a library of misdemeanors that do not allow for expungement. This falls under white liberal woman privilege. Her bodyguard is getting a rougher deal than she is.

  8. “…theft of property over $10,000.” How much over $10,000? Why won’t they say? Was it $25,000? In other words, she gets off with no real penalty other than to pay “restitution” and get a slap on the wrist. Even if she is paying back the entire amount, she would only be paying back what she took with nothing coming out of her pocket, making it, essentially, a loan with little or no interest.

    It sure pays to be a Democrat scum bag.

  9. Bye Felicia! I hope Knoxville can get rid of it’s libtard mayor BEFORE the next election cycle. She’s at her term limit but, it’d be nice to see her tossed out on her ass, before then.

  10. Tn Tux,
    The offer was probably “We have you cold on this. Resign now and all this can go away in time. If we have to go to court, you will go tp prison for at least five years.”

  11. Nashville officials claimed today that her resignation lifts the cloud off the city so that tourists and business won’t be put off. Ha!!

    Letting her off essentially without penalty characterizes Nashville a Third World class SHITHOLE, and my last visit will be my absolute last visit. Might as well be Baltimore.

  12. If there still remains any doubt, the Utopian Stateists are willing to explain away anything. They truly do live in a parallel universe.

    “Yes, if ever there was a perfectly sympathetic character to embody the face of the noble female sex scandal survivor, it would surely be Nashville’s perfectly lovely (and undoubtedly resilient in the face of tragedy after losing her only son last year) Mayor Megan Barry.”


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