Evanston reported zero new coronavirus cases over the last seven days.
The city of Evanston, Illinois, located just north of Chicago, joined communities across the U.S. in celebrating their first in-person Juneteenth parade Saturday, but some have been left wondering why celebrations for the nation’s Independence Day have been canceled.
The Evanston Fourth of July Association voted to cancel the town’s Independence Day events earlier in 2020 and opt for a virtual celebration instead — citing concerns over the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
But in partnership with Evanston Present and Future — a nonprofit that supports community development and education surrounding Black history — the city of Evanston helped promote a Juneteenth parade followed by community-wide celebrations.
The Juneteenth parade – a celebration of the nation’s newest holiday recognizing the complete emancipation of enslaved people on June 19, 1865 – is not the only community-based celebration happening this summer.
Evanston Pride will host a car parade and community picnic later in June to celebrate LGBTQIA individuals — though attendees are encouraged to bring their own food as an extra health precaution.
And how is Father’s Day Working out in ShitCago so far Today?
Or do we have to wait until Tomorrow morning for the full tally?
How can you virtually celebrate Independence Day on July 4th? Idiots, but you can celebrate queers and perverts during so called Pride month during the whole month of June and Juneteenth a made up bullshit holiday soon to be come a federal holiday. I like Thomas Lifson at American Thinker am sick to death of this crap. I’ll celebrate the 4th of July as usual and thank God that I am an American still living in the land of the free and the home of the brave because of our Founding Fathers courage to throw off all ties to the aggressor nation of Great Britain on July 4, 1776 and fight a war for our independence as a free nation. Pride month and Juneteenth can kiss my ass, they are not worthy of any kind of celebration ever. If that make me a bigot so be it, I am not the one who is deliberately and intentionally destroying the country as founded because I believe in my God given freedom as established by our Founding Fathers. Pride month and Juneteenth just divide us further because the vast majority of us don’t celebrate queers etc. and racially dividing us further with Juneteenth, another made up leftist holiday. And if truth be told it was the Republicans and never the democraps who are responsible for the end of slavery in America and for blacks freedom from oppression which they continue to propagate daily in order to subjugate blacks to do their will. I will always hate the left and everything that it stands for.
Kcir, Evanston doesn’t celebrate Father’s Day. They celebrate inseminating person’s day.
I’m so embarrassed having grown up near Evanston, had many friends from there.. What a shit show.
The left needs another charismatic leader to rally behind nationally. Another Jim Jones would be a perfect fit.
Koolaid anybody.
Our family went to Evanstons 4th parade ONCE, 14 years ago and even then it was full of PC COMMIE BS FLOATS and good ole America hating MARXIST Jan Shitcowsky!
So no surprise EvanSTONED would do this.
Evanston is a real armpit city. Knowing what the populace is like, the decision was probably a move to keep the local trash from rioting and looting.
Been there, drive straight thru if you have to go that way. Nothing to see here folks.
“…community picnic later in June to celebrate LGBTQIA individuals — though attendees are encouraged to bring their own food as an extra health precaution.”
But licking the bloody shit off of another man’s penis has no health concerns at all.
I don’t think they even pay attention to what they’re saying most of the time. You’d have 2 have completely isolated split personalities to support THIS level of cognitive dissonance.
Went to high school in Evanston and ETHS, not where I went, was a shithole back in the 60s because muh friends. I can only imagine what it’s like now.
So infuriating and in your face. I guess they want gays and blacks to die from Wuhan.
Sounds like yankee version of Memphis.
Illinois is leftist new world order state
They are brain washed democrats, what do you expect.
They don’t want an outbreak of “freedom” or “liberty” to happen…
My Negro Fatigue meter is pegged.
What geoff the aardvark said. Totally agree. 100+ thumbs up. So sick of the pandering to the deviant Marxist left.
Control freak leftists hate Independence day the most. They want to tear this holiday down, as much as Christmas, and rename it after a queer, or something stupid like that.
Celebrate THIS 🖕😠🖕, 💩heads.
The only thing on parade during Pride and Junteenth marches is socialism and other Godless evil foolishness.
Juneteenth is a Racist Nazi Holiday.. .All Democrat voters need to suicide for hte good of Mankind.
Good… the dross of society will be plagued, and die off.
Good plan !