Driver Cuts off Motorcycle-Riding Veterans and Gets Immediate Taste of Justice – IOTW Report

Driver Cuts off Motorcycle-Riding Veterans and Gets Immediate Taste of Justice

We missed this when it happened last month-


Of the countless organizations that honor and support our service men and women, Project 22 and its Ride for Vets initiative is a great way for military veterans to bond over their love of riding motorcycles. The police-escorted motorcycle ride is the cornerstone of the event, and, as you can see from the above video, it’s clearly not for everyone.

One Jeep owner, who evidently had somewhere to be in a hurry, decided to hop the curb and attempt to drive around the escort. Not only is that a complete and total asshole move in general, but also one that ended up almost taking out at least one of the bikers in the process.

In the end, the Jeep driver forgot one of the most crucial things about police escorts: the whole police part. Naturally, his reckless move got him immediately pulled over by a motorcycle cop.


28 Comments on Driver Cuts off Motorcycle-Riding Veterans and Gets Immediate Taste of Justice

  1. Well, I gotta be honest. If I’m tooling along on the highway faced with a couple morons trying to pin me in on Tri Cycles that weigh about the same as my dick. I’m fucking creating mayhem. LEO tries to pull me over, I’m thinking OK this is officially the Twilight Zone and shooting the cop in the face.
    Was this announced? I mean really. Get your fucking Briggs And Stratton out of my path.

  2. On the fence about this one. A police escort for a grand cause, awesome. The bikers riding double in the center single lane on 3 lane road, very deceit of them.
    Until a couple of them decided one lane of unity is not good enough.
    The Jeep did an asshole move after the 2 bikers decided to block him in, also an asshole move.
    2 Wongs don’t make a right.
    Ref: What’s Up, Tiger Lily?.

  3. Riders that group ride, a group ride that deserved a police escort no less, don’t want an angry cager in the middle of the group. That’s why he was being blocked in the right lane. The Jeep doesn’t belong. One thing is not like the rest, can you see that?

    Groups like this typically travel together, that’s why it’s called a group ride. Stop signs and stop lights be damned. Once the group proceeds through an intersection, the whole group goes though like a funeral. That’s just the way it is. Now you can either be a dick and try to cut off the motorcycles and get in their way, or you can just wait a minute, let them go, and everyone is safe. Or I suppose you can be like Bad_Brad, and whip out your cock for all the riders to fall on and pick off any survivors with automatic fire.

  4. “a group ride that deserved a police escort no less, don’t want an angry cager in the middle of the group.” Glad you assumed that from the vid, I did not.
    Seems to me the ‘cager’ was the bikers. Stop signs and stop lights be damned, really?
    The motorcycles cut off the Jepp.
    Be respectful to all.

  5. ecp,
    Now you just wait a minute here Mister!
    There is no need to attack anyone personally like you have my fox-hole buddy Bad Brad.
    To present that “suppose you can be like Bad_Brad, and whip out your cock for all the riders to fall on and pick off any survivors with automatic fire.”
    Awful, just awful, just a childish attack!
    159 years ago in a bar I’ve would have told you, One word more out of your pie hole I’ll take you out back like a rented mule and do you until you puke.
    Personally attacks are not the way it rolls her at IOTW.
    Unless you want to be taken out back,,,

  6. Group riding is dangerous enough without some idiot in a car thinking they have priority status. While riding you may need to dodge a pothole etc in a split second and need room around you to do so.
    I had an impatient asshole squeeze past me on the right on a one lane street a couple days ago. I wasn’t going slow or blocking him so there was no reason for him to put me at the risk he did. As he was parallel to me he makes a right hand turn, in another second he could have done so without risking my life.
    He’s very lucky I kept my cool because I was pissed. I see something like that no differently than someone firing a gun past me to just to scare me. Put my life needlessly at risk and there’ll be consequences.

  7. I don’t like any convoy so large it creates its own traffic rules and weather system, be it motorcycles, cars, or bicycles. Too much entitlement is created within the group. Remember this?

    And convoys of black government SUV’s. I don’t know how y’all can stand that crap in DC. Although most people in DC probably hum “there goes my hero…” as the parade sails through the intersection.

  8. Whenever I see a group of motorcycles I automatically leave way for them to ride together. It’s no big deal to me whether there are 6-8 or 30+ of them. In my mind it is like any group, cars or trucks, that are traveling together. It is just respectful of others. No we are not riders ourselves, just the Golden Rule I learn as a kid.

  9. Speaking as someone who has been a road capt. in a few rides I can tell you in all honesty we’ve had to “discipline” a rider or 2 for being idiots on 2 wheels during a ride. They’re usually never invited again because f*cking up out on the slab at 70+ mph can ruin a bunch of folks’ day really, really fast.

  10. No Blushes,

    Bring it. Bring me out back and make me puke. The fact you call a biker a cager shows you have no idea what you are talking about. I request, no, I demand, no, I want to make the law make you stay away from all motorcycles at all times. You have no business around them. Neither does Bad_Brad. He brought up his cock, I stuffed it for him. And of all things, neither of you have respect for those who show respect for Veterans on a public roadway with a police escort, no less.

  11. A couple things.

    Was this an “organized” ride? They are usually for some charity. “Toys for Tots” of some other organization.

    If it was, and it certainly looks that way. Then the driver of the car was dead wrong.

    This was no pack of wheelie squids being complete a$$holes. Run them a$$holes over with my blessing.

    I have participated in these organized rides and there is no passing or cutting through the motorcade. Period. Roads are closed, on ramps and cross streets are blocked until we pass.

    These rides are announced months maybe even a full year in advance. In the final weeks until the date of it’s on the local news every night.

    So piss off.

  12. Depends on where you live. I live pretty close to what’s known as the Dragon. Amazing roadway that people gotta test their mettle on, knowing full well the Dragon eats riders every year. Mustang clubs, Corvette clubs, bikers galore come from all over the US. We love them (and their tourism dollars). Harley shops located all over down here.

    Spandexed cyclists not feeling so much love around here though.

  13. Bad_Brad and others:
    If they have a police escort, it was definitely an announced and planned event. Probably posted on multiple websites and local radio stations that certain roads would be closed to normal traffic at certain times.
    They blocked the idiot in in an attempt to let the scheduled ride pass. If he hadn’t been an a-hole, he would have simply waited about another minute more for all the bikes to pass and then been on his way directly behind him, but he had to prove he was an a-hole instead.
    Personally, I hope the cop gave him the maximum fine and the judge upholds the sentence. He put multiple lives at risk trying to prove how tough he was.

  14. Additionally, I see similar situations from time to time in the parades I am a part of. People think they’re more important than the scheduled event going on and in spite of police road blocks will simply push their way through and literally into the middle of a parade. And it never ends well for them when the inevitable police officer that is stationed roughly every 100 yards catches up to them.

  15. the driver was a complete moron. NOBODY in a 2 ton vehicle should threaten the lives of those people stupid enough to ride motorcycles no matter how privileged they think they are. This was a classic road rage by both parties. Dumb and dumber and believe me, living in the black hills near Sturgis SD I’ve seen my share of complete and utter aholes on harleys, hondas, cars, pickups and everything in between. What the f was the bully in the jeep going to do? Ram them? And what the F was the bikers going to do other than threatening looks and flipping off?

    assholes. petulant children.

  16. I understand everyday people who are not involved in organizations like veteran groups may not understand all the logistics involved, but no one just gets up one morning and says, “I’m going to throw together a charity ride today!”
    It takes MONTHS of planning. First is getting the required permits and permissions, and in the case of the ride shown in this video, the cooperation of the local law enforcement agencies.
    Starting and ending points must be designated. There is probably weeks of planning of exactly what route to take that will inconvenience the least number of people for the least amount of time, while still providing maximum visibility to the organization and maximizing its charity intake.
    Announcements go out for weeks ahead not only so people will know and participate and/or contribute, but so people not participating will know where to avoid and when to avoid it and plan accordingly.
    When the day of the event finally comes, everyone hopes that uncontrollable factors such as weather will cooperate (and often, there may be multiple routes planned if bad weather may make one route more dangerous to participants than another). Event coordinators are staged at the event start, the event end, and important points along the route to make sure things run smoothly. Communications are abig issue and CBs and hand-held radios will be everywhere! Police – who are often working overtime details to protect and guide the event – are staged at the start and various points along the route to stop traffic and pedestrians at major intersections. If roads being used are major thoroughfares, they often will not be closed until minutes or even seconds before the charity ride moves through, and depending on the number of participants can take between 1 and 5 minutes to pass a given location.
    It is not unreasonable to expect non-participants to either wait – given these events are well publicized and marked – or find other ways around the event so as not to endanger themselves and others.
    There will often be participants (often off-duty or retired LEOs) who will be designated with the task to stop and isolate anyone that attempts to enter the designated ‘event space’ during the course of the event. I believe that is what we are seeing in this particular video.
    For all of you asking why the motorcycles aren’t giving way or leaving room for other vehicular traffic, the answer is they are not supposed to! They have paid for a permit to close the streets to normal traffic specifically for their event! They are not being a-holes, they are doing what they have been permitted to do, and nothing more!
    The only a-hole in that video is the Jeep driver who thinks he doesn’t have to obey the law, and I hope he spent several hours in jail before being bailed out to learn that lesson.

  17. I’m with Peter on this: We get Parade Permits that give us the necessary permissions to run lights and stop signs as well as ride tandem in single lanes. We have designated start and stop times, planned routes, and caps on participants. We post Guards at intersections and highway ramps and are generally very well organized and disciplined.

    The vast majority of “bikers” are NOT gang members but are your neighbors who get together to share a camaraderie around our enjoyment of motorcycles. The guy in the Jeep was wholly in the wrong.


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