Dukes of Hazzard Star will continue to sell confederate flag – IOTW Report

Dukes of Hazzard Star will continue to sell confederate flag

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Cooter from the hit TV show “The Dukes of Hazzard”, weighed in on the Confederate flag discussion, saying he will not change a thing with his business and will continue to sell Confederate flags.

The story has been trending nation-wide in light of last week’s tragedy in Charleston where nine people were shot and killed inside a church. Since the accused killer, Dylan Roof, was allegedly seen on a web page holding a Confederate flag, the debate over the true meaning of the flag has been thrown into question.

Ben Jones, who played ‘Cooter’ on The Dukes of Hazzard and currently owns Cooter’s Place in Gatlinburg, said the flag’s original meaning is not one of hatred and supremacy.

“This is an American symbol of independence, of rebellion, yes, but of a spirit also of a nation a country, a region, the south that pulled itself back up from total destruction,” Jones said.

Jones then went deeper and said he despises anyone who doesn’t see the flag as a positive symbol of American history and uses the flag as a tool of race superiority. He said his stores will continue to sell the Confederate flag, and Confederate flag merchandise, because he knows his stores represent what the flag truly stands for.



7 Comments on Dukes of Hazzard Star will continue to sell confederate flag

  1. If Texas pols didn’t see fit to tear down the University of Texas Tower in 1966 after Charles Whitman shot dozens of people and killed fifteen of them, why should the Confederate battle flag be reviled so now?

    Just because one nutcase decided to redefine it to his own purposes, as Yankee liberals have done, doesn’t change how we normal southerners feel about it.

    If you want one, live nowhere near Gatlinburg, TN, and are finding them in short supply elsewhere, here’s a NEW YORK firm which will gladly sell you one or a hundred. Owner’s wife descends from Rebel stock and their family story is told on the same website:


  2. Weird how there was no mention of the Confederate Flag when on average 12 blacks are killed by other blacks in Shitcongo every weekend, but some nutjob whacks 9 blacks in SC and “Oh my God, we must remove this flag, it caused the shooting.” And now Ashleigh Banfield the CNN maggot wants to tear down the Jefferson memorial cuz he had some slaves. I fucking hate the left. May the South rise again!!

  3. Except he isn’t selling Confederate flags. It’s the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia. The Confederate states flag looks nothing like it. Ignorance is bliss I guess.

  4. I’ve never understood why the Southern states and those who wish to honor their history don’t just use the first Confederate national flag, like Six Flags does, and let the KKK and the Leftists fight over the battle flag. Except that the battle flag is so much more beautiful and striking in appearance. It’s one of the most well-designed banners of all time, and it’s such a shame the way it has been twisted and made a symbol of hatred to some people.


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