Environmentalists Trying to Block Huge Lithium Mine In Nevada – IOTW Report

Environmentalists Trying to Block Huge Lithium Mine In Nevada


According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the average U.S. price was $13,000 per metric ton last year.

And there are tons of lithium – millions of tons – in Nevada.

“We’re developing one of the world’s largest lithium deposits,” says Alexi Zawadzki, CEO of Lithium Nevada.

He’s talking about his company’s Thacker Pass mining project in northern Nevada’s rural Humboldt County. More

Despite all the “green” uses for lithium-ion batteries, environmentalists are trying their hardest to block the Thacker Pass mine. Here

19 Comments on Environmentalists Trying to Block Huge Lithium Mine In Nevada

  1. ‘We need lithium for batteries, but we don’t want the environmental damage. Here, that is – if it’s in China or Botswana I don’t care. Also, no more oil!’

  2. The only reason totally safe, clean, perpetual motion machines do not exist yet is because businesses are mean, but they have them and the only thing holding the tech back is that we didn’t scream loud enough, so if we scream LOUDER, everything will be released and we will have our Utopia.


  3. Environmentalists are no more communist than the Nazis.
    They are greedy maggots who worship Mammon.
    These are legal shake-downs. The “corporation-politician-and-lawyer-get-rich” schemes of the filthy conniving parasites who feed off the ignorant and political opportunists (meaning that We, the People, end up paying for the maggoty lawyers of both sides).

    Lawyers don’t pursue “justice” – they pursue other peoples’ money – the money of those who work.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Funded, by China and Russia. EVs and gadgets are increasing power consumption at a rate of 10% a year as we’re tearing down nuclear plants, shutting down coal plants, prohibiting natural gas electricity production. What is China doing? Massive investments in all sources of electricity production, the environment be damned. We’re going to be crippled in what? 5 years?

  5. judgeroybean – Exactly. This is an enemies dream!
    Destroy their ability to generate power.
    Better yet, get them to destroy their own power sources!
    We’re Lemmings following a fucking moron over the cliff!

  6. Dear enviro-jerkweasels, what about the impact of losing that sunlight that would otherwise hit the ground? Some blind, 5+legged beetle depends on that! And sucking all the wind energy out of the air? How Dare You! The honey bees won’t know where the flowers are ripe! (Or fill in your own fantasy disaster plot line).

    We could always go to nature’s solar-bio fuel; wood burning. What is old wood compressed in the ground? Coal. Yeah, let’s use coal. Vermont and New York need not apply.


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