Homeland Security Can’t Properly Test Its Only Biological Weapons Surveillance System – IOTW Report

Homeland Security Can’t Properly Test Its Only Biological Weapons Surveillance System

DailyCaller: The Department of Homeland Security is not able to properly assess its biological weapon surveillance technology due to to a lack of testing standards, a government study has revealed.

bio hazard bio weapons

BioWatch is the only federally managed bio-surveillance system designed to detect airborne-released biological weapons.

During their review of BioWatch’s capabilities, Government Accountability Office investigators found that since Homeland Security lacks technical performance standards, test results have nothing to be compared to, so officials are not able to interpret test results and draw conclusions about the system’s ability to meet its objectives. read more

h/t Cakes.

2 Comments on Homeland Security Can’t Properly Test Its Only Biological Weapons Surveillance System

  1. This is one of the major malfunctions of the Globaloney Warming Hoax. When you perform a “scientific” test you have to be assured that you’re testing what you are trying to test. I did a Rubidium excitation test once and was getting perfect results (which raised my antennae (I don’t actually have antennae, the results just made me suspicious)) so I removed the Rubidium bulb and got THE EXACT SAME RESULTS!

    You coulda knocked me over with a feather!

    Anyway, the lesson is that it’s more difficult than some imagine to actually test what you think you’re testing.

  2. The important thing is that a bunch of politically connected contractors made a crapload of cash selling useless technology to the US government, under the façade of anti-terrorism.

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