Huma Describes First Time She Met Hillary – Yes, It Sounds Homo-Erotic – IOTW Report

Huma Describes First Time She Met Hillary – Yes, It Sounds Homo-Erotic


“I remember being at the rally in Little Rock and it was election night and obviously [President Clinton] was reelected and I remember being on the rope line and there are thousands and thousands of people,” Abedin said, according to the transcripts of the interview.

“And she comes — they come out and the crowd’s electric,” she continued. “And I remember … I don’t know. You know these things that happen in your life that just stick? That she walked by and she shook my hand and our eyes connected and I just remember having this moment where I thought, ‘Wow, this is amazing.’”


Abedin explained how “inspiring” the moment was.

“You know, I still remember the look on her face,” she said. “And it’s funny, and she would probably be so annoyed that I say this, but I remember thinking, ‘Oh my God, she’s so beautiful and she’s so little!’”

“And I had such a fan-girl moment and I was hooked,” Abedin added. “I mean, and that sort of was my … that’s my first kind of – my memory.”


18 Comments on Huma Describes First Time She Met Hillary – Yes, It Sounds Homo-Erotic

  1. “… the smell of Preparation-H and Poli-Grip permeated the room … I was smitten … her breasts sagged down on top of her bulbous gut and she issued a low, growling, feral-like fart that carried the aroma of womanhood – and cayenne pepper – to my flushed nostrils … I could hardly catch my breath … my navel was puckering and un-puckering like the beating of a bass drum, tuned to the thumping in my chest of my over-excited heart … Bill kept pawing at my ass and I tried to fan him away … unobtrusively … for I didn’t want HER to know … or THINK … that I could have any interest in a man …”

    HorrorQueef Romance Novels – bfh

  2. I wanna be a romance novelist too!

    “I gently removed her adult diaper–soiled, of course; that was part of her unique olfactory appeal–and ravenously began to lick……”

  3. Huma is damn lucky Eleanor wasn’t around when the Hillbeast got up her nose. I’d have paid tickets to THAT cat fight. There’s nothing scarier than butch-bitches getting down and dirty.

  4. I still think Huma’s marriage to Wiener was arranged by the Clintons. He was an up-and-comer (no pun intended) in Democrat politics until he jumped the shark. If he had gone on (mayor of NY anyone?) Huma would be right there, and with her, so would the Clintons.

  5. Don’t forget, Bill Clinton performed the Huma-Weiner marriage ceremony. Reverend Willie…no law license, but a license to hitch.

    You can’t make this sh!t up. GMAFB
    And it’s 100% genuine SH!T.

  6. Huma married Wiener because she needed a beard, the same reason Barry Soetoro married that tranny.
    As to what Wiener did, being married to a lesbian can be frustrating, just ask Bill.

  7. JohnS, Anthony Weiner used to be my congressional rep when I lived in Brooklyn. When I met him, my gaydar went off so hard it caused a tsunami in the Pacific.

    This marriage is a multi-beard affair. Trust me.

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