I will not be going to the movies anymore – IOTW Report

I will not be going to the movies anymore

AMC theater chain will reverse their policy and allow texting in the theater.

He says,”turning off a phone, for a teen, is like ‘cutting off your left arm above the elbow’.”


If cinemas want to survive, he said, the glow of 100 little screens is a worthwhile sacrifice to make.


You shouldn’t be at the movies if you’re not going to sit still and watch the damn movie.

Seeing someone texting while the movie is playing ruins it for me. I want to smash that moron in the head. But that’s just me.

20 years ago I never went out into the lobby and made a call on a pay phone and asked someone, “whatchu doin’?”

And I never did it with a cell phone.

What’s this incessant need to type inane blather to someone?

27 Comments on I will not be going to the movies anymore

  1. 20 years ago we went out to fetch beer planted in the trash can and smoked cigrits in the bathroom and hopped theaters… no wait, that was almost 30 years ago, jeezlus.

  2. About ten years ago the wife and I had orchestra seats to “Carmen” and during the performance some idiot was texting on her phone next to us. I told her to put it away or lose it. She put it away.

  3. DH and I went out to lunch the other day and sitting across from us was a young couple. They never said one word to each other and had their nose in their phone the whole time. They gobbled their food down and didn’t miss a beat. Every where you look someone has their nose down to their phone totally oblivious to the world around them. I actually hate the thing and I only carry it for emergencies only.

  4. It’s always a good idea to bring a book to the movies, and a flashlight. I dunno. I haven’t been to the movies since, I think, “Saving Private Ryan.”
    But we must account for the utter stupidity of people today. AMC brass are on to something. Sorry. There may be a few outbursts of violence until people realize that the best place to call your boy/girl/trans/lesbo/creep friend is while at the movies.

  5. i haven’t been to a theater in over 10 years. everyone has a huge tv in their living room now, and every movie is available online now. movies usually disappoint me now anyway. how many shitty remakes can hollywood “come up with”. no originality anymore.

  6. Is having a smallish ball peen hammer in your pocket considered a carrying a concealed weapon? And would using one in a theater to whack a mobile phone fall under a “stand your ground” law?

    I imagine in Texas most juries would let you off anyway because some phones just need killin’.

  7. I don’t go to the theater.
    I damaged my hearing in the musician days so now after a half an hour at the ear jarring volume they play the sound track, it all sounds like mush.
    I don’t miss it.
    I spent all my time quashing the urge to clobber idiots who don’t know how to behave in public anyway, so they can soldier on without me.

  8. Boycotting Hollywood. Limited to a movie a year. Cans of fart spray cost more than the movie ticket but they are well worth the investment. When some ditzy dip shit decides it’s a good idea to answer the phone and argue with a snotty tween, a few sprays with Fartsmell pays massive dividends. And, fart spray comes in several varieties. Burrito Night at the White House is deadly and probably overkill. Mooche’s mug is on that label. Chili Night in the Cell Block A always does the job and not so spendy. Bill and Hillary’s mugs are on the label. Come-Again smells like shit, has Bawney Frank’s mug on the label. Cheap too.

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