Joe Knew All About Hunter’s Business Dealings – IOTW Report

Joe Knew All About Hunter’s Business Dealings

Joe Biden not only knew of his son’s business dealings, he was part of them. Hello Frank [Francis Biden] !

Tore Says [14 June 2021]

Combing through Hunter Biden’s emails it is quickly realized that all the money being made was being filtered and distributed by Eric Schwerin. There are numerous emails of Hunter requesting Eric to pay him and asking him where all the money is going.

In fact, the text messages below are y verified that the cell numbers used in the text chains belong to Rosemont Seneca and Joseph R. Biden (the former Vice President and Select President ), respectively. Schwerin was the Policy and Outreach for the China Trade Relations Working Group. Joe Biden hired Eric to work with his son Hunter after a meeting about China in 2009 that Hillary Clinton’s personal assistant Huma Abedin had set up. Almost instantly he became President of Rosemont Seneca and oversaw all Rosemont Seneca “versions” like RSTP I and II including and not limited to all shell companies Hunter was a part of.

Joe Biden seemed very clued into what Hunter Biden was doing, his businesses, and concerns with his money nanny Eric Schwerin. The reasons as to this will be explained in more detail because it seems one company with an obscure name seems to have been missed by many. more here

8 Comments on Joe Knew All About Hunter’s Business Dealings

  1. DUH! Mega-fukkin-DUH!
    And the FBI and DOJ are protecting them!
    And all the other crooks in the House, Senate, SCROTUS, and Agencies!

    I’m shocked! Shocked, I tell ya! Gambling at Rick’s? Corruption in the White Hut?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Tim – FJB – Aaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnd don’t fergit the Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media working overtime lying their asses off to cover for all this! Just imagine the size of the spiked stories they go stockpiled!!

  3. I’m beginning to detect a possible connection between Humper’s emails and illegal payments to the current President*, but I’m not going to jump to any premature conclusions. I’m waiting until there’s a Congressional Committee investigation that gets to the bottom of these suspicious payments from China, Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Then, I’m going to wait until the New York Times breaks the story, but I’m still not jumping to any wrong assumptions. I’m waiting for Leslie Stahl to confirm this remote possibility of Biden Family Corruption on 60 Minutes. Have to be fair minded, this could be Russian disinformation.

  4. Of course, he knew. How would he be assured to collect his percentage if he didn’t know?

    Would anyone believe Joey saying to Hunter “I trust you to give me what I am due. You don’t need to let me know any of the details.”


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