Now Pelosi Is Urging ICONyers to Resign – IOTW Report

Now Pelosi Is Urging ICONyers to Resign

15 Comments on Now Pelosi Is Urging ICONyers to Resign

  1. Does this insane bitch even remotely understand the concepts of principles and values? She just keeps throwing rhetoric out hoping something will stick, even when the rhetoric is completely contradictory. This is democrats to a goddamn tee. They do this all the fucking time with all issues. Their only constant is that they want as much power as they can possibly get and they don’t care how they get it nor what they do with it in reality.

  2. Mrs Pelosi, would you care to amplify your answer

    Would I what?

    Would you expand on your answer. What I want to know is did Conyers have icon status in the party?

    A what status?

    An icon. Someone who was involved in some arguably heroic act fifty years ago which now protects him from any accountability in the present

    Oh yeah, icons. The party has a lot of icons (nation laughs)

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