NY: People Are Dying In Buffalo – Another Day In Biden’s America – IOTW Report

NY: People Are Dying In Buffalo – Another Day In Biden’s America

AND Magazine:

New York Governor Kathy Hochul is busy warning of “climate change”, which you will remember used to be called global warming until the warming part seemed to be difficult to document. While she is posturing for the cameras and mouthing the requisite liberal talking points, one of the biggest cities in her state, Buffalo, is collapsing into anarchy.

Buffalo is buried in snow and facing bitter cold. The police are incapable of keeping order, and stores are being looted of merchandise everywhere.

A blizzard has buried Buffalo under four feet of snow. At least 35 people are dead. Bodies are being found in homes, cars, and front yards.

Roads are closed. Supermarkets are closed. Thousands of Buffalo residents are still without power. MORE

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12 Comments on NY: People Are Dying In Buffalo – Another Day In Biden’s America

  1. In the 70s Buffalo was buried under 8 feet or more. My mom lived there at the time. Neighbors dug her out. Streets were passable after a day or two. Power did not fail. Water mains did not rupture. Stores were not looted.

    Good times.

  2. There are more important things for Joe to worry about right now than shuffling off to Buffalo . Come on man !

    He’s on vacation in another rich donor’s place contemplating with his deranged family whether or not he will let the elite install him for another four years.

    And I’m sure the Spokes Idiot will say there is no snow issue in Buffalo

  3. Gotta remember, there’s thousands of people in Buffalo who were not in Buffalo back in the 70’s. My husband was born and raised there. He joined the military and vowed never to go back to Buffalo. I lived back there for 3 months, packed my bags and left. Then again, you have people in Florida who lose everything every 3 years, but they stay and do it all over again. Self-inflicted disasters.

  4. during my stint in buff we had a foot of snow every day.
    but then people were more self sufficient.
    this is what happens when you wait for the government to take care of you.
    we as a nation have all gone insane.
    prove me wrong

  5. After Hurricanes Rita and Ike along the upper Texas coast, there was virtually no looting. That’s because Texans will kill you for it and the police will support you for doing it.

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