Obama Offered To Float Some Money To Hapless Veep (Still Relatively Poor After All These Years) To Pay For Son’s Medical Bills – IOTW Report

Obama Offered To Float Some Money To Hapless Veep (Still Relatively Poor After All These Years) To Pay For Son’s Medical Bills

I guess Obamacare isn’t all that great. Biden was going to sell his house to pay for Beau’s bills. If only Beau was still 27 he’d have insurance.

A few observations.

Biden said that Obama told him, 'I'll give you the money. Whatever you need, I'll give you the money' and asked Biden to promise that he would not sell his house

Isn’t this something that Biden should have kept to himself (if it really happened)? It’s not something I’d divulge about a friend because now every other Joe Biden in the world will be knocking on their door. Joe doesn’t think of these things.

Also, why is Biden still relatively poor compared to other politicians that have spent a lifetime in public service?

Many would say it’s integrity, honesty.

I say it’s because Joe is mildly retarded and not a person on earth would part with a nickel to consult with Biden, or pay him for a speech.

Seriously, no comedy here, the man is a simpleton who’s learned to talk like a pol, but what he’s saying is gibberish. It’s like a bird whose been around certain conversations and it just parrots them. They don’t know why, though.

How is it that Obama has more money than Joe in just a decade of politicking? Obama had to make shady deals in order to purchase a house in Chicago and now he’s floating loans to a much older guy in the same business?


18 Comments on Obama Offered To Float Some Money To Hapless Veep (Still Relatively Poor After All These Years) To Pay For Son’s Medical Bills

  1. His kid had an outstanding education and was sent out to the job market with exceptional opportunities and connections to make a fortune. Too selfish, foolish, stupid to buy health insurance? Wasn’t he getting free medical care at Walter Reed? Isn’t his mom a PhD? Didn’t his wife have a job? Does Joe attend all those union meetings, banquets, and rallys for free? Joe has been living extremely comfortably on the tax payers dime for a lotta years. Surely Joe was able to save a few paychecks? No?

  2. Total, complete, Bullshit.

    Joseph Robinette “Beau” Biden III was an American attorney, an officer in the Army Judge Advocate General’s Corps, and politician from Wilmington, Delaware. He served as the Attorney General of Delaware, was a Major in the Delaware Army National Guard and was a member of the Democratic Party.

  3. $700 thousand net worth reported, the rest must be in a foreign account or a campaign committee account.

    – Small Individual Contributions $58,393 (1%)
    – Large Individual Contributions $5,756,267


    Not mentioning PACs and Super PACs

    Biden gave average of $369 to charity a year over the last 10 years. So he damn sure didn’t spend his money to help charities or those in need.

    Living large or a tax dodger or he is as stupid as he appears.

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