Rare Color Film of Post-War Berlin 1945
Video ht/ MoeTom
Video ht/ MoeTom
Sweden has opened rape crisis centers FOR MEN! The article doesn’t mention Muslims, but, seriously, what has happened in Sweden for them to have to necessarily open up such a [Read More]
Don’t tell the left. Most won’t believe you, some will call you racist (?? I have no idea why, but they will), and some will say something weird about Trump. DCGazette [Read More]
An open borders activist in Germany was set upon and knifed by a group of six to eight Muslim men outside a pizzeria in Dresden. The man, identified as [Read More]
CHQ: Imagine for a moment that come November of 2016 just as the presidential election was about to take place Hillary Clinton dropped out of the race as the Democratic [Read More]
This moron says that if you want a gun you should first take a bullet to see what it’s like. Hmm. If you want a car, Big Brain, maybe you [Read More]
“The idea that you would play such a card and try fear mongering among minorities just because you disagree with Republicans, that they are somehow all racists, I find it [Read More]
Berlin (AFP) – Germany’s Angela Merkel is used to owning the room when she speaks to her party faithful, but the mood turned hostile when she defended her open-door refugee [Read More]
NB: ABC, CBS, and NBC’s morning and evening newscasts, along with the on-air programming of the three major cable news networks, have yet to cover the Wednesday announcement that Florent [Read More]
Algemeiner: Israeli Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu admonished a BBC journalist who asked at a press conference on Thursday if he was ready to resume negotiations with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. “Are we living [Read More]
AP writes: LOS ANGELES — NBC is enabling Donald Trump’s “hateful speech” about Hispanics by giving him a platform as host of “Saturday Night Live” and should pull the invitation, [Read More]
An ongoing two-year renovation of the University of Virginia’s Rotunda has revealed a chemical lab designed by Thomas Jefferson that dates from the 19th century.
The Los Angeles School District has been hit with a class action lawsuit filed by high profile and recently fired teacher, Rafe Esquith. The suit alleges that the school district [Read More]
Known on YouTube as Eye Empress Sekhmet, Latausha Nedd faced Judge Wanda Dallas Thursday to answer for making threats against “cracker cops.” She’s claiming a 1st amendment right to call [Read More]
Elderly man shoots suspected burglar inside home An elderly man shot a suspected burglar inside a Phoenix home. The homeowner, a 60-year-old man, was home alone when he heard someone [Read More]
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