Solar Powered Chicken Coop
One might think a solar powered chicken coop is a goof, like a two story outhouse, but thanks to the largess of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, it’s a reality.
One might think a solar powered chicken coop is a goof, like a two story outhouse, but thanks to the largess of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, it’s a reality.
Are there any other candidates willing to stand up to Islam in a bold way, a way that will make lefties cry? I want that president. Whoever he or she is, [Read More]
“Pro-Life” Jeb! Bush Was a Director of a Foundation that Funneled Millions to Planned Parenthood Wizbang- Jeb Bush likes to focus on what a pro-life guy he is. He talks [Read More]
Michigan State Representative, Todd Courser (R) came up with a terrible ploy to hide his infidelity with fellow State Rep. Cindy Gamrat (R). He was going to put out a [Read More]
Click for video^ Seattle socialists, eager to hear their rumpled god, had to endure SJWs commandeering the mic like Kanye West. The socialists weren’t happy, yelling epithets at the BLM activists. [Read More]
The Smithsonian Institution’s National Portrait Gallery in D.C. has received a request by a group of black pastors to remove the bust of Margaret Sanger from their exhibit titled “Struggle [Read More]
I went over to Redstate, the site holding the event that rescinded Trump’s invitation, to read the comments and it looks like the aftermath of a tornado. This Bill S. guy [Read More]
The Missing Wife Husband went to the Sheriff’s Department to report that his wife was missing. Husband : My wife is missing. She went shopping yesterday and has not come [Read More]
Via Magnum in the comments
NewsMachete- A question came up at last night’s debate over whether Donald Trump would support the GOP nominee if it weren’t him. But the same question could easily be asked [Read More]
Dissident: Some of the most famous intellectuals of the West, including the French writer and Nobel Laureate Andre Gide and American conservatism’s Whittaker Chambers, turned to communism in the 1920s [Read More]
The Lee County Sheriff’s Office in Florida recently released one of the strangest, most disturbing video we’ve ever seen – it shows a young suspect trying to chew off his fingertips [Read More]
Getting the cooperation of victims is difficult, because many don’t speak English and some are in the United States illegally. MarylandReporter: Maria Sorto, originally from El Salvador, had just moved [Read More]
Downtrend: With the national attention focused on Donald Trump during last night’s Republican debate one of the lesser candidates showed why he should never be allowed to preside over the most [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.