Where Did All the NYC Subway Revenue Go??
Where Did All the NYC Subway Revenue Go?? It was stolen by bureaucratic thieves, and it went to union contracts, of course. When you see the technology in the bowels [Read More]
Where Did All the NYC Subway Revenue Go?? It was stolen by bureaucratic thieves, and it went to union contracts, of course. When you see the technology in the bowels [Read More]
‘My sisters and I, we will call Caitlyn “Bruce” and we’ve been told that’s completely fine” Read more: Also: Kim Kardashian says Bruce doesn’t sound like a woman. You know [Read More]
It’s hard to believe that a video with Matthews and Debbie could be rewarding. But this was.
Wyblog- Remember right before 2012 election when the government swore the economy was recovering nicely? They lied. And now that it doesn’t matter, they can deign to tell us the [Read More]
What’s Josh’s proof? Planned Parenthood told him. Daily Caller “There is ample reason to think that this is merely the tried and true tactic that we’ve seen from extremists on [Read More]
FrontPageMag– [MichelleMalkin] It’s the most far-reaching scandal in Washington that no one wants to talk about: Tens of millions of federal employees had their personal information hacked as a result [Read More]
TRS- Hillary has said in recent past that she didn’t send or received classified emails from her private email server. This report doesn’t debunk that, as it says the emails [Read More]
Click the image for some funny h/t MJA.
The “team” doesn’t know what the hell is going on. They’ve cut deals that they’ve never read, okayed them, and it benefits Iran in absurd ways. As Americans we have our [Read More]
ht/ mcfartus
Kerry isn’t sure about much and shows no confidence regarding the Iran Deal. He rarely looks at Senator Cotton in the eye and there’s a lot of, “I’m not sure” and “Uhh”, and papers being [Read More]
WHY MUSLIM RAPISTS PREFER BLONDES: A HISTORY Violent Islamic lust for British and Scandinavian girls goes right back to Muhammad. FrontPageMag- The Muslim penchant to target “white” women for sexual [Read More]
Tall and tan and young and lovely The girl from Ipanema goes walking And when she passes, each one she passes goes… what the fack is that smelllll? BigStory- Athletes [Read More]
Over in Williamson County, Tennessee — just north of my home — prosecutors actually filed a motion asking the court to order a defense attorney to stop calling them “the [Read More]
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