Politico Signals Three Major Pieces Of Radical Legislation Are Doomed – IOTW Report

Politico Signals Three Major Pieces Of Radical Legislation Are Doomed


There is an upside to the media’s extreme closeness to Democrats. They can tell us how Democrat insiders really feel about their chances to pass legislation. On Thursday, Politico signaled that not one, not two, but THREE major bills were doomed to fail in Congress. More

9 Comments on Politico Signals Three Major Pieces Of Radical Legislation Are Doomed

  1. “…key members of the Congressional Black Caucus are pushing to narrow their strategy.”

    …meanwhile, the Congressional White Caucus was unavailable for comment…

  2. This article was the best news of the day for me. Democrats are paying attention to their polls and realizing if they keep pushing a radical agenda they won’t get re-elected.

  3. The media and the Rinos keep telling us that they need to “reach across the aisle”. The left do not want to do that. They will break down the rules to get what they want. Tom D and others tore down the 60 vote filibuster for some things in the Senate.
    The left are the ones who are taking things apart. The Right / Republicans need to be more aggressive. We should not just respond in kind. That is a losing strategy. That just lets the left take control.
    Do not be afraid. Do not let AOC/The Squad/liberals take command. Step up. Ms. Boebert is a congresswoman in Colorado. I have not met her personally, but I am happy that people in the great state of Colorado did elect her.
    I am not a politician. I do not want to tell others how to live their lives.
    Do what you want, do not tell me how to be me.

  4. “No mention of SCOTUS packing? I think this is doomed too.”

    True, Fritz. Biden is supposedly setting up a Commission to study it. If so, It’s dead.

    And what about DACA and el Amnestia Grande? Not looking too good. When Joe passed that steaming turd to Kamala, and she tried to link it to cLiMaTe cHaNgE, I think we can safely say they’re punting on the border, too. Especially after Joe said he might have to finish Trump’s wall.


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