Retro Post – Magic Eye – IOTW Report

Retro Post – Magic Eye

Remember these?

Who can do them?

Who can’t?

Who can teach others that can’t to do it?

46 Comments on Retro Post – Magic Eye

  1. I remember these well, and there’s a classic Seinfeld that features one. I have to admit, it took me a few minutes to get it but I finally did. You have to look a little cross eyed and stare for a while. Not easy, but once it really comes in to view it’s very clear.

  2. The trick is to focus past the image. (ie. the image is 12″ away, focus should be like 13″ or more…the reverse of crossing your eyes. ) Notice repeating blobs in a pic and relax your focus so that 2 blobs (say blob A and blob B, right next to each other) merge into 1. Then keep that image and try not to break your concentration.
    Sometimes the image may not appear till you relax focus so that blob A is on top of blob C, or D, or even E.

    For more information throw cash.

  3. Such a great memory involving these! That was the summer my Aunt and I road-tripped to NM and AZ to visit family. My young nephew, then 16, and I got to spend a lot of time together and over the course of weeks I developed his lisp — so weirdly bonding — and taught him how to “see” these. That was also the summer we laughed our hinies off reading Deep Thoughts out loud. So fun! I haven’t seen these in years.

  4. I could not get it to work until I put my reading glasses on and got up close to the monitor. Then it popped out at me.
    It definately has that 3D effect. I could pivot my head to the left and right and it seemed like I was looking around the letters.

  5. Corona actually had the best explanation: Notice repeating blobs in a pic and relax your focus so that 2 blobs (say blob A and blob B, right next to each other) merge into 1. Then keep that image and try not to break your concentration.

  6. I used to do that with a simple pattern real close to my face, like a checkerboard pattern or whatever. (I was prolly in school and so bored out of my mind I just rested my nose on a graph paper with a box pattern.) You’re so close, you relax your vision, look way past the paper until box A matches with box E or whatever, and it would look like I’m looking at a much larger pattern of boxes about 12″ or so from my face.

    And that’s what we learn in Algebra, kids!

  7. Wildriver, I have the same handicap! I’m triggered by these Magic Eye pictures that I can never see. I’m offended that they even exist! They should be BANNED! (sarcasm off).

  8. I have a hard time with these, but this time was able to train my eyes well enough to put my hand thru the image and still see it for a long amount of time… before it snapped back and I can’t see shit anymore. sigh.

  9. @oolook: I think this computer generated “Magic eye” stuff is different and a lot more complex than the old stereopticon viewers. The latter is based on purely optical principles, whereas the former requires no viewer and depends on how visual images are processed by the human brain. I’ve never known anyone who couldn’t see the 3-D image using a stereo viewer, but I’ve met many who can’t see the “Magic Eye” ones.

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