Sandy Hook families offer to settle with Alex Jones for $85 million over ten years – IOTW Report

Sandy Hook families offer to settle with Alex Jones for $85 million over ten years

The original judgement was for $1.5 billion.

PM: The families of those children murdered during the Sandy Hook school massacre in Connecticut in 2012 have said that they will settle with Alex Jones for $85 million over 10 years. They were awarded $1.5 billion in a suit against Jones, who had initially claimed that the massacre of school children was a hoax. more here

15 Comments on Sandy Hook families offer to settle with Alex Jones for $85 million over ten years

  1. Why didn’t they sue him in the first place? He didn’t kill any kids.

    It’s all so much BS.

    If I had lost a kid in a shooting rampage, I would not blame anybody except the murderer, maybe his parents, and the liberal society that bred him.

    The entertainment industry makes billions off violence in the movies. Blame them for mass shootings.

  2. There’s just something smarmy about the so-called ‘Sandy Hook Parents’. It seems they are focused on a monetary payout instead of grieving like normal people would. I just don’t think that people who support abortion on demand have the capability to react in a normal way. There is something creepy about them. They are standing on the graves of their children to campaign against the rights of good and decent people to be able to protect themselves and their families. To hell with them.

  3. Alex was wrong, out of control. But he certainly was not 85 mil out of control. If Alex was a compliant democrat he would never have been sued.
    When is Hillary going to be sued for what she did to President Trump with her Russia Collusion scam?

  4. Scammers.
    Mad because their family lives were destroyed so they think they should destroy someone else’s life?
    Ya, that won’t make your family whole again.
    Look to God instead.

  5. Listen, I’m still not convinced anyone actually died at Sandy Hook.

    As for a lawsuit against free speech, the constitution is dead, long live tyranny. Get used to lawfare as we descend further into “Democracy”

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