Send This To Any Dolt You Know Who Believes Humans Are Driving the Earth’s Climate – IOTW Report

Send This To Any Dolt You Know Who Believes Humans Are Driving the Earth’s Climate

Screen Shot 2015-08-01 at 2.06.38 PMht/ American Glob


7 Comments on Send This To Any Dolt You Know Who Believes Humans Are Driving the Earth’s Climate

  1. Natural Climate Deniers are wrapped up so much in false information, there is no changing their mind. They heard Bruce Jenner or Cher or Oprah say it’s man made, therefore the science is settled. They also have 98% of scientists in their settled corner.

  2. 98% of the “scientists” who mouth support for Globaloney Warming do so because their jobs depend upon that support.

    Anyone with a scientific background knows that the Sun heats the Earth and the bullshit about “greenhouse” gasses affecting it is just that – BULLSHIT!

    Next time Gore’s blathering his bullshit about the atmosphere, someone should ask him the weight of the atmosphere.

    How many actual pounds of air are there, on Earth?

    No percentages. No theoretical shit. Pounds. Or tons.

    When he brays that “90,000 tons of CO2 are pumped into the atmosphere” – is that a lot? or a little? Does Al have a clue?

    Globaloney Warming Climax Change is a religion. Another false narrative, like izlam, that can only lead to death and the destruction of civilization.

  3. If anybody really wants to know what the motivation behind Global Warming is, just follow the money. They’re making a mint off of this scam! (Anybody wanna buy a Carbon Credit?)
    And if that’s not good enough then just listen to Radio Havana, Communist Russia and Communist China (who do zip, zero, nada about pollution) promoting Global Warming. Then ask yourself why would they talk about doing things to control Global Warming on propaganda radio targeting the American Continent? If you think for a moment that they give a shit about pollution, CO2 and Man-made Global Warming you’ve got a screw lose! It is because they are focused on the same thing the DamBamboozler is focused on, weakening and slowing America any way possible through influencing the dumbed-down, coexist bumper-sticker, Politically Correct, Left-wing bowl-winders with their junk-science bullshit in order to implement productivity crippling regulations as a result!

  4. I won’t bother. Trying to educate or argue with people who have given up reason is like administering medicine to the dead. (Yeah, I stole that)

    Most of the AGW crowd, by my informal, non-controlled study and personal research has less than ten hours of reading on the subject. That INCLUDES reading their own propaganda.
    If you bring up things that require actual technical reading and a grasp of what raw data was used in the generation of those technical papers, at first you get looked at like you have a penis growing out of your forehead.

    Then, their eyes glaze, they look into the distance while they recover from something they don’t really grasp, but recognize as a personal attack. NOT an illustration of their ignorance, which will only encourage a rational person to address that issue. But to them a personal libel. A bitch slap.

    The true believers do not handle that well.

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