Statement By Chicago Police Following Jussie Smollett FOIA Request is Infuriating – IOTW Report

Statement By Chicago Police Following Jussie Smollett FOIA Request is Infuriating

Just heard from about my FOIA request for report on Smollett. “As the potential harm to the above specified individual clearly outweighs the public interest in disclosure, it is the position of the [CPD] that the requested documents are exempt from disclosure…”


This has so many levels that need unpacking.

Authorities are deciding what knowledge what we need to know. They decide what’s in our best interest.

The implication here is that the more we know the more danger Smollett is in, this tells us that they know he is lying.

The police are also saying that it’s okay for anyone with a MAGA hat to be in danger based on this guy’s false story.

21 Comments on Statement By Chicago Police Following Jussie Smollett FOIA Request is Infuriating

  1. It’s Chicago. The cops are riddled with corruption as are the city council and the mayors office, the unions damn near everybody. This sort of bullshit story is a coverup likely ordered by the mayors office to either protect this guy from blowback if he had actually been out trolling for sex and/or drugs and it went wrong or an act to raise his profile for professional reasons. I tend to doubt the latter as it was just too sloppy.
    BY the by, Police Superintendent “Fast” Eddie Johnson is hated by the rank and file and is known to be a toady to whoever is in the Mayors office.

  2. We’ve seen this “movie” all too many times before.
    We all know how it ends….
    In a few days, a couple weeks, months the truth comes out….
    All lies, No MAGA NO Trump supporters, it’s the complete opposite.

    Been there, done that. I hate reruns


  3. Was there an assault? There was a story that there was an assault but the police have not confirmed that an assault occurred. They are protecting a “victim” of something that didn’t happen. Hmmmm…

  4. They fear telling the truth about it because he is black, like the authorities in the UK and elsewhere who are silent about the rapes at the hands of Muslims – they fear being seen as “bigoted.”


    They use the same excuse liberals do,

    “I can do whatever I want unless the courts or the Constitution EXPLICITLY says I can’t do that thing.”

    They always error on the side of themselves, not the citizens.

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