“Summer Food Summer Fun” – IOTW Report

“Summer Food Summer Fun”

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction states on their website, “More than 26 million children eat school lunch every day when school is in session, and about half of them receive their meals free or at a reduced price due to low household income. The summer program offers those children nutritious food when school is not in session. During Summer 2016, Wisconsin served 2.8 million meals at 888 sites operated by 217 sponsoring organizations.” Here

OK, first of all, serving 26 million students school lunch daily is quite a feat for a state with a total population of only 5.795 million. Here

Assuming they meant serving 26 million meals during the school year with roughly 13 million meals qualifying for assistance, the real take away is the fall off of nearly 90 percent to only 2.8 million during the summer break. What’s up with that?

Are deserving kids missing out on roughly 10 million meals during the summer and going hungry or are parents letting the state feed their kids during the school year then taking that responsibility back during the summer months?

Wisconsin Public Radio, which aired this report this morning, claims the problem is that we aren’t serving enough free meals to kids during the summer. Here

I wondered about obesity rates. 40 percent of adults in the state are already obese. The rate for those 10 to 17 is 29.5 percent.

Final question, how many kids getting free / subsidized lunch in the state are obese? The concern about fatties eating school lunch was enough that Michelle Obama made it her mission while first lady. Perhaps nearly indiscriminate free / subsidized meals aren’t the answer either. I couldn’t find any information on obesity rates among those getting free / reduced price meals from the state.

Note: You can get more information on your state’s obesity rates, Here

12 Comments on “Summer Food Summer Fun”

  1. I was thinking about this on the drive home this evening and realized they may be serving just the about the right number of meals in the summer.

    Say 13 million subsidized meals over a 9 month school year. That’s roughly 1.44 million a month. Given a 3 month summer break they should be serving about 4.332 million meals. So they are currently almost 2/3rds the number of meals that they should be serving.

  2. Do they deduct the cost of those meals from the mother’s food stamps? What the hell do we give them food stamps for if we have to pay again to feed their kids? Ridiculous!

  3. The PC police got involved in the school lunch programs years ago. All children in my grandchildren’s school receive free “breakfast choices” of muffin, yogurt, fruit and milk every morning. Heaven forbid that some children would stand out as being needy, so instead, they all participate.

    One of the more expensive participation trophies we subsidize.

  4. Until the 80s, there was no free or reduced cost lunches. The death toll was horrendous. The bodies of starved children were piled everywhere. It was the Black Plague x10.
    Oh, the humanity!
    How we created a country, fought wars, out-produced the rest of the world, went to the Moon, etc, is a mystery…..

  5. When I was a kid in Catholic elementary school, we went to Mass every school day, and received the Eucharist at that Mass. Mandatory fasting for reception of the Eucharist from midnight until after Mass was followed even by us children.

    Our parents purchased the milk that was waiting for us when we got to the classroom. Some of us brought a quick snack or a a slice of toast or something that our mom’s packed extra in our lunch bags. How did we ever survive that and still learn???

  6. My mom got up and made breakfast every morning and packed lunches for 5 kids in the 60’s and 70’s. They were lame lunches but we didn’t starve. I still love summer sausage with yellow mustard.

    Feed your kids you worthless morons!


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