Bernie underwear. Feel the Bern of the Mexican food you had yesterday. Watch More Is there some significance to these being tidy whities, I don’t think the #BlackLivesMatter crowd are [Read More]
Bernie underwear. Feel the Bern of the Mexican food you had yesterday. Watch More Is there some significance to these being tidy whities, I don’t think the #BlackLivesMatter crowd are [Read More]
Now that he realizes that he handed the nomination to Hillary Clinton during the first debate with his throw away line about people being “sick and tired” of her e-mails, [Read More]
A rally for Bernie Sanders (VT-I) was held in D.C. last week and The Daily Caller sent a reporter to witness the proceedings. The speaker, apparently obsessed about the lack [Read More]
Thanks to Bernie Sanders bold proclamation that he’s a socialist and proud, many leftists who used to identify as democrats are coming out as socialists too. More
Realizing that most people in the country don’t like Socialism, Bernie Sanders (VT-I) is reportedly contemplating making a big speech to let us in on the secret wonderfulness of his ideology. [Read More]
FAM: Minnesota is famous for three things. Being the only state to vote for Walter Mondale in the 1984 presidential election. Electing a radical Muslim Keith Ellison to the House [Read More]
BigHollywood: Actors Will Ferrell, Jeremy Piven, John C. Reilly, Danny DeVito, and Sarah Silverman are among the 128 “artists and cultural leaders” that have put their names to an open [Read More]
PublicIntegrity: Sanders campaign has decried Americans Socially United super PAC Americans Socially United, a super PAC that recently received nearly $50,000 from James Bond actor Daniel Craig, has submitted its first [Read More]
A self-professed “non-religious person” and socialist, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is slated to speak at one of the nation’s largest evangelical Christian colleges — Liberty University — to the bewilderment of many [Read More]
Pays Staff Only $12. MRCtv– Senator, presidential candidate, and self-described socialist Bernie Sanders (I-VT) today introduced a bill that would raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. In his [Read More]
This went up on billboards around Milwaukee and Green Bay to greet the arrival of Bernie Sanders (VT-I) to rally his people in Madison Wednesday night. Story Cute, but I [Read More]
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) appeared on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” on Sunday to reiterate his declaration that he would win the Democratic vote in the New Hampshire [Read More]
h/t Moonbattery
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