bernie sanders – Page 5 – IOTW Report

Blacks Not Feeling the Bern?

Sunday, 25 October 2015, 20:30 Dr. Tar 6

A rally for Bernie Sanders (VT-I) was held in D.C. last week and The Daily Caller sent a reporter to witness the proceedings. The speaker, apparently obsessed about the lack [Read More]

Sanders speaking at Liberty University ?

Saturday, 15 August 2015, 21:00 Cardigan 9

A self-professed “non-religious person” and socialist, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is slated to speak at one of the nation’s largest evangelical Christian colleges — Liberty University — to the bewilderment of many [Read More]

Billboards for Bernie

Thursday, 2 July 2015, 16:15 Dr. Tar 10

This went up on billboards around Milwaukee and Green Bay to greet the arrival of Bernie Sanders (VT-I) to rally his people in Madison Wednesday night. Story Cute, but I [Read More]

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