“The Left Believes They Own Our Thoughts” – Young Black Conservative – IOTW Report

“The Left Believes They Own Our Thoughts” – Young Black Conservative


I do believe this young woman has identified the left as the modern slave owner. Walk off the plantation and you are given a high-tech lynching. The left feels as if they are entitled to black brains, and she wants them to “check their privilege.”

Beautiful. Just beautiful.

Click to hear her rant.

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23 Comments on “The Left Believes They Own Our Thoughts” – Young Black Conservative

  1. It’s not education when ‘they’ re-write history, say 2+2=7, teach 1st graders that there are no genders, push global warming as a fact, etc. That’s public indoctrination.

  2. She IS educated! She says so herself, and look at her shirt. I looked up Calvin College, and guess what?

    “Calvin College is a top-ranked liberal arts college in Grand Rapids, Mich. that prepares students to be Christ’s agents of renewal in the world. Through rigorous academic study and intentional Christian community, you will learn to think deeply, act justly and live wholeheartedly in everything that you do..”

  3. @Moe Tom, totally agree.
    Somebody raised her right and gave her the self-confidence to think for herself.
    I also like how she’s not trying to be white.
    Natural hair, no nose-job, etc.
    Moose could take a lesson from her.

  4. As a black conservative, I am extremely proud of young black conservatives who are not afraid to speak the truth, like this astute young woman. Bravo!

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